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Design and formulate innovative solutions to practical real-life supply chain planning and control problems by using relevant IT-based modelling approaches in an original and creative way

Module: Supply Network Design and Global Logistics

Presentation – Pecha Kucha Presentation with Notes
Presentation length: 20 slides, each with 20 seconds of audio recording
Presenter notes: 500 words in the PowerPoint ‘notes’ area
Assignment Brief

In this assessment you will be required to produce a presentation, in the Pecha Kucha 20×20 style. You should submit the presentation, with audio of yourself talking over it as it runs, plus a set of presenter notes in the PowerPoint ‘notes’ area.
What is a Pecha Kucha presentation?

Pecha Kucha, which means ‘chit chat’ in Japanese, is an informal presentation.. Each presenter speaks over 20 highly pictorial slides, each presented for exactly 20 seconds. Having less than seven minutes to make your point forces a tight focus, which is a useful business skill. Practise your presentation, keeping in mind that you need to inform via pictures, not lots of text.
Visit (Links to an external site.) to learn more.


The Magma Manufacturing Company delivers various white goods (major appliances such as fridges, freezers, washing machines, etc) by light truck, from its national UK distribution centres to eight retail outlets in the UK. The management have asked you to see if you can make this more efficient – the company costs and delivers in standard pallets. To do this you must find a way to minimise itst delivery costs. You have the following information:

• The company distribution centres are designated: Distribution Centre A (DA), Distribution Centre B (DB), and Distribution Centre C (DC).

• The retail centres are designated: Retail Centre 1 (R1), Retail Centre 2 (R2) and so on, up to Retail Centre 8 (R8).
Delivery costs per standard pallet are as follows:

Cost per Pallet Delivery

R1    R2    R3        R4     R5     R6       R7     D8
DA   2.30   3.00  2.35   2.10    2.25   3.00     2.50 3.20
DB   1.95   2.25   3.90   4.00    1.60    2.25     3.90 4.20
DC    3.45   2.50  1.90  1.10     4.00   2.20    3.10 2.15

Retail Centre Demand (Pallets)
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 D8
Demand 1,400 1,200 2,700 3,400 2,100 1,300 1,050 600

Distribution Centre Maximum Pallet Capacity

DA 7,000
DB 8,500
DC 10,000


1. Draw a diagram showing the decision variables of the distribution centres and retail outlets.

2. Define the objective formula.

3. Using a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet and Solver, design a model to minimise the costs of delivery, showing which centres to use and how much they should deliver.

* Week 5: Supply Chain Modelling covers the technical aspects of building a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Solver for this assignment.

4. Identify the costs.

5. Incorporate the following changes and model the new delivery cost schedule.
• Retail Centre 4 (R4) experiences a fire and has to close, reducing demand to 0.
• Local wage negotiations mean Distribution Centre B (DB) costs per pallet increase by 1.00 per pallet for each retail centre.

6. Prepare the presentation with appropriate images, including screenshots, transportation and goods type, and clearly describing the Excel Solver, the formulas used and the results of your modelling.

7. Advise the company of the advantages and limitations of the use of Excel Solver in this instance.

Additional Guidance

This assignment asks you to create a modelling tool for an organisation in the form of a minimum cost optimiser. You will need to be concise to do this, and do some analysis of your results and the advantages and limitations of your approach. The spreadsheet layout is important and you will find using the techniques covered in Week 5 on Supply Chain Modelling important. Details such as the formula and modelling results will enhance its practicality and future usability. While this is a technical assignment, you should use references where appropriate to support your approach and analysis.

Screenshots and diagrams will enhance this presentation and these should be clear and referred to in your voiceover and notes.

A good piece of work will be professionally presented and logically structured, with a good standard of written English.

You must not cut and paste phrases or paragraphs from published sources without appropriately citing them. You should seek to use your own words to explain concepts and theories, while acknowledging the work of other scholars.

The presentation should have a similar structure to an informal report, with:

• Title
• Introduction
• Information Section
• Conclusion
• References

Your assignment should be submitted as:

• A presentation file (.pptx format) with voiceover, including presenter notes in the ‘notes’ area that you used for your performance (500 words).
For guidance on how to add narration to your PowerPoint presentation, please watch this video: (Links to an external site.)

Module Learning Outcome Description

LO3 Design and formulate innovative solutions to practical real-life supply chain planning and control problems by using relevant IT-based modelling approaches in an original and creative way

LO4 Present and communicate ideas on supply chain network design, synthesising and evaluating unstructured and complex supply chain network design problems