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In Canada, there is active public debate around the balancing of safety, security interests, and civil liberties. Discuss what role, if any, the government and the criminal courts have played in ensuring a balance is struck between the government’s mandate to implement public safety measures and the upholdingof rights and liberties.

SHORT ESSAY: (10 marks each):

Each essay should be approximately 4-5 pages (double spaced, this does not include cover page and bibliography ). If you use a directquote, provide an in-text citation.

Recommendation: Take a minute or two to outline and structure your thoughts, points, and arguments before writing.

Write an essay on TWO of the following propositions. In your essay, be suretoaddress all parts of the proposition, engage with relevant themes and concepts, and integrate information, examples, and arguments from a wide range of specific course materials. An essay includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Students must takeacritical position.

Sources: a minimum in a total of six (6)readingsfromthecourse. Default12font, and margins. APA referencing required.


1. The extent to which human rights are respected and protected within the context of its criminal proceedings is an important measure of a society’scivilization.Discussthe proposition that civil liberties/human rights are important to the protection of our criminal justice system; including to what extent should the rights of thevictimandthe accused be protected as an aspect of a functionaldemocracy.

2. Human rights—whicharetypicallyframedtomonitortheexerciseofthestate’spower – are often viewed as a set of universal principles of governance. The use of human rights language supports a number of claims, but not all claims are universally supported. Canada’s immigration law and multicultural policies, for example, speak to the country’s ability to define its elfandassertitssovereigntyasanation.If international law is a system that allocates and regulates the assertion of sovereign authority, what does this mean for human rights claims by various racialized, marginalized groupsand their allies?

3. In Canada, there is active public debate around the balancing of safety, security interests, and civil liberties. Discuss what role, if any, the government and the criminal courts have played in ensuring a balance is struck between the government’s mandate to implement public safety measures and the upholdingof rights and liberties.