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Demonstrate how your new target market and the desired customer experience align to the company’s markeng strategy. Provide specific examples. How does your target market align to the markeng strategy? How does your customer experience align to the markeng strategy?

Words: 1009
Pages: 4
Subject: Marketing

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In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Determine target customers and desired customer experiences as part of markeng strategies

SNHU Pet Supply

Food, Toys, and Supplies for Your Four-Legged Family Members
You are the assistant to Francis Del Corral, the markeng manager of SNHU Pet Supply, a large pet supply company that sells pet food, toys, and supplies in brick-and-mortar locaons and through an online store. Francis, who knows of your interest in pursuing a career in markeng, has asked you to determine target customers for a new high-quality pet food line for both cats and dogs.

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Target Market Analysis: Your manager, Francis Del Corral, has asked you to conduct a target market analysis. Using your analysis, you will recommend a target market for the new pet food line and determine the desired customer experience. Francis wants you to clearly demonstrate how your recommendaons align to the company’s overall markeng strategy in a wrien report supported by evidence from research.

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1. Read the Target Market Analysis: SNHU Pet Supply Case Study located in the Deliverables secon. This case study includes important details about the company. If you chose a different company for your project, provide a 1-page summary with background informaon about the company, their overall markeng strategy, and a new product line. Use the Target Market Analysis: SNHU Pet Supply Case Study as an example of how to present this informaon. Include your summary as the last secon of your wrien report.

2. Research a target market for your product. You may use the sources presented in the Supporng Materials secon to begin your research. Make sure you use authoritave sources throughout. Remember to cite your sources appropriately.

3. In your target market analysis, be sure to address the following:

Describe the target market for your new product in detail. Address these points in your response: What is your company’s target market? What is the demographic, psychographic, and geographic breakdown of your target market? What are the wants and needs of this target market?

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How might the psychological, personal, and social factors impact consumer behavior of this target market?
Jusfy why the characteriscs of the new target market make it suitable for your product. Support your response with evidence from authoritave sources.

Consider the following: Why did you choose this target market? What other potenal markets did you research? Why did you decide not to choose them? How would the product appeal to their wants and/or sasfy their needs?

Determine the desired customer experience for your new target market, providing specific examples.

Consider the following in your response: What story do you want your company to tell this target market about the product? How would you use integrated markeng communicaons to ensure a consistent message?

What markeng channels would you suggest the company use to reach this market? Why? How will you leverage your target market’s behaviors in the markeng channels you are suggesng?

Demonstrate how your new target market and the desired customer experience align to the company’s markeng strategy. Provide specific examples. How does your target market align to the markeng strategy? How does your customer experience align to the markeng strategy?

How do your recommended channels align to the markeng strategy?
What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submied before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

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Target Market Analysis (1,000–1,500 words) Your manager has asked you to conduct a target market analysis in which you will recommend a market for a new product and determine the desired customer experience. Present your findings as a wrien report with enough detail and evidence from research.

The Target Market Analysis SNHU Pet Supply Case Study includes important details about the company, the product, and the markeng strategy that will be useful when compleng your target market analysis.
Supporng Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:
Citaon Help Need help cing your sources? Use the CfA Citaon Guide and Citaon Maker.

Website: U.S. Census Bureau Fact Finder Use this resource to find informaon about your target market. You can input a state, county, city, town, or zip code and then look at specific data by clicking on the tabs on the le side of the page.

Website: Discover Community Lifestyle and Demographic Informaon Use this resource to find informaon about your target market. You will need to input a zip code first. Use these resources if you need to look up zip codes in the United States:
USPS: Look Up a ZIP Code State Zip Codes

Reading: Wring Guide Review the tutorials and resources in the Wring Guide document if you need help with the wring-related aspects of this project.
Reading: How to Design and Deliver an Effecve Presentaon This document provides a list of tutorials and resources that will be useful when compleng your target market analysis if you choose to create a presentaon. These tutorials cover core funconality and tool features, as well as the elements of effecve presentaon design.

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Website: American Pet Products: Press Releases This resource provides informaon about market trends in the pet industry via press releases. Note that these resources offer a combinaon of free and paid resources. You are NOT required to purchase any of these resources.