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Based on the company’s mission and goals, status in the market, current target market(s), and brand power, you will develop a Marketing Plan for the new product/brand extension.


H&M Clothing Company (Hennes & Mauritz AB – public traded company) Swedish based clothing company

The market plan is the fashion industry and target market is recently single women in their 20s.

Step 1:

You are a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) recently hired to develop a new product line or brand extension for a company’s product/brand (Note: students choose the company and brand/product). Based on the company’s mission and goals, status in the market, current target market(s), and brand power, you will develop a Marketing Plan for the new product/brand extension.

The organization you choose needs to be a publicly-traded company, thus allowing you to gain access to its financial data and market performance. It cannot be a privately-owned company, nor a start-up. The new product or brand should relate to the company’s mission and target market(s), or to a lucrative new market segment. The decision is yours!

This is a RESEARCH based paper comprised of the following sections.

* Industry / Competitive Analysis – This is ALL research based on your industry

* Brand Analysis – This is research on the company/brand

* SWOT / Brand Analysis – This is also research based in terms of opportunties and threats in the marketplace

*Based on the above sections, you should be able to put

together well composed SWOT analysis.

note everything should be APA Style

Follow the outline provided in the assignment – same order – same subheads

* Industry Analysis – This is the over-arching umbrella industry you are operating in (ex. fashion, hotel, automotive, eye wear, footwear, sunscreen, airlines)

*Total sales

*Total revenue

*Market leaders

*Market share for each

*Growth potential or trends

* Brand Analysis – This is the brand you choose to be a part of (should be one of the market leaders you mentioned above)

*Total sales

*Product mix

*Product line depth and width

*Competitive advantage

*What’s their cash cow and SBUs

*Growth strategy (market penetration, product development, market development)

*SWOT Analysis – can be bullets – should be easy to find for most large companies

*Strengths (company controlled)

*Weaknesses (company controlled)

*Opportunities (in the external environment) (sourced)

*Threats (in the external environment) (sourced)