Module Name: Practical Data Analysis for Business
Module Code Level Credit Value Module Leader BSOM084 7 10 Dr Patrice Seuwou
Assessment title:
TC1 Response to a live employer brief
Weighting: 100%
Submission dates:
Wednesday, 1st September 2021 at 23:59 The assessment tasks will be released 72h before the deadline on Thursday, 26th August 2021.
Feedback and Grades due:
Friday, 1st October 2021
Please read this assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on the Assessment Task.
The Assessment Task
The gender pay gap or gender wage gap is the average difference between the remuneration for men and women who are working. Women are generally considered to be paid less than men. UK Gender Pay Gap Regulations came into force in April 2017, requiring organisations with 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap data each year. You work as a consultant for Newton Data Solution limited, a data analysis firm and you have been requested by the line manager to conduct a detailed investigation on the problem of gender pay gap in the UK for a local newspaper. Using the government-based data set provided, you will devise a 2000-words report that provides insight on Gender pay gap in the UK.
You will use the secondary data provided retrieved from ONS for your analysis. Your data will be analysed using appropriate software packages (i.e. SPSS/NVIVO/Tableau/Excel) and be visualised for easier interpretation. You will be required to support your data set with insight
from other selected information sources and to present this in a form appropriate for a specialist and not specialist audience. You have been given 72h to complete this task.
Your report should cover the following points
• A brief review of the literature on the topic • Review the Data sets and its implications for strategic leadership • Data Analysis and visualisation of the data set to provide insight using the appropriate statistical packages (i.e. SPSS/NVIVO/Excel/Tableau) • Evidence of training completed on LinkedIn learning (screenshots of SPSS, Tableau & NVIVO certificates provided in appendix) [15% of overall mark]
This should be a clear and visual presentation that uses your graphs and visual interpretations to highlight how insights are gained and evaluated.
See Download at
Assessment Breakdown
This assessment comprises 100% of your overall module grade. – 85% Report – 15% CPD evidences provided in appendix (LinkedIn certification on SPSS, Tableau and NVIVO)
Assessment Guidance (more information about expectations)
The report should be in a page numbered report format and include the following:
• Title page Assignment title, module code, full name and student code, as well as submission date.
• Abstract • Table of Contents • Introduction • Findings and Analysis • Conclusions • Recommendations • References • Appendices
In your appendix you may want to provide further detailed documentation of points made in the findings. Examples include: technical data, tables, charts or leaflets. An appendix contains supplementary information that you consider to be too long, complicated or not quite relevant to include in the main section of the report but is still relevant to your reader. Each appendix should be referred to in your text. You should not include something as an appendix if it is not discussed in the report except the certificates. LinkedIn certificates of completion will also be provided in this section.
NB: include a list of references using Harvard referencing style, any details of secondary source selected.
Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
• Critically evaluate ethical and methodological considerations associated with applied secondary research, considering the implications for strategic leadership and organisational development.
• Evaluate, and discriminate between, sources of secondary data and information, justifying relevance to the task and context.
• Select, justify and apply appropriate data analysis tools.
• Devise and justify use of ethical, workable and creative solutions in the light of evidence.
Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way relevant for this assessment. see the grading rubric on NILE for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.
Word Limits The maximum word limit for this assessment is 2200 words (excluding appendices)