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Describe one factor under each of the headings (each heading has a few factors) in the reading that you think could be impacting Jamie’s ability to adhere and then, explain what is happening in Jamie’s life and why you think each of those factor is important to her health. Relate this back to the concept of health adherence generally.

Module 1 Discussion

For this Module 1 discussion activity, the discussion questions will be based on a clinical case example “Jamie.” You are responsible for using the information from lectures and readings to answer the questions about the case study. The reading provides much more detail and explanation. Make sure to carefully read the assigned chapter on E-reserves. You first post should be 4-5 paragraphs and reflect that you did your reading and watched the lecture.


Jamie is an 18 year old girl with a history of severe asthma. As a very young child, she was frequently in the hospital with asthma exacerbations. With age, her parents, doctors, and Jamie have developed an asthma plan that works well for her. She uses an inhaled corticosteroid daily, exercises regularly, and monitors her functioning with a peak flow meter. If her peak flow numbers decrease or she notices wheezing, she uses a short acting beta-agonist inhaler and an oral corticosteroid until she is feeling better and her peak flow measurements are back to normal.
Jamie has just started college in Santa Clara, California and taking college classes online. The smoke from wildfires has been intense, with air quality ratings of yellow/orange (moderately concerning/problem for sensitive groups) most days.

She can’t find her peak flow meter and doesn’t know where student health is located. Jamie is trying to meet new friends, but it’s been tough to remember and recognize people given the mask requirements. Even so, she doesn’t really notice that her wheezing has gotten worse. One night, she is at a party and can’t breathe. The ambulance is called and she is hospitalized for the first time in several years.

To answer this question, please do the following:

Prepare to answer the questions by doing the following:

1. Read the case above carefully.

2. Read very carefully the sections of two book chapter for this week that were placed on E-reserves. As you read, take notes about the factors that you think might be impacting Jamie’s ability to adhere to her physician’s advice. Under each heading in your reading, there are subcategories of potential influences on health behaviors. Take note of these.

3. Listen to the lecture for this week carefully. As you listen, take notes about the factors that you think might be impacting Jamie’s ability to adhere to her physician’s advice.

4. note that the factors in your reading and lecture are grouped under a number of headings that describe the type of factor (e.g., personal, social, medical). Identify one factor under each heading that you think is impacting Jamie’s ability to adhere
Prompts for your posts

1. Describe one factor under each of the headings (each heading has a few factors) in the reading that you think could be impacting Jamie’s ability to adhere and then, explain what is happening in Jamie’s life and why you think each of those factor is important to her health. Relate this back to the concept of health adherence generally.

2. Make sure you identify in parentheses where specific information is coming from- lecture or reading. For example, “Jamie’s lack of social support is an important factor (Chapter 4, p.80),” or “Jamie was struggling due to such and such factor as described in the lecture (lecture title, slide #).

3. In this case, we don’t know much about Jamie’s physician. Using content from the lecture about common physician beliefs about patient behavior, come up with a description of Jamie’s physician and their most recent interactions during her senior year in high school. Talk about the common perceptions of patient behavior, and decide whether your version of Jamie’s physician is like that. Discuss how the physician factors (or medical team factors) could also have an impact on Jamie.

4. Take on of the “Questions for Consideration” in the lecture and discuss either related to Jamie’s case or something you have witnessed yourself in health care.