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Describe one way you have seen data used in a current or past job. Then describe one data source or data analysis tool you would like to have in a current or future role. Explain how this data or tool might improve work outcomes, decision making, and/or public safety.


Data, simply put, mean information. As technology advances, our ability to collect and analyze data also increases, wildly expanding the ways data can be applied to decision making across professions. There is even an emerging field of professionals, data scientists, whose job it is to analyze data, although nearly all professionals use data, perhaps without even realizing it. For this Discussion, you are asked to consider how you have used data in your career (within the criminal justice field or in other fields) and how data or data tools might be helpful in your work.

Review the TED Talk video, Why Smart Statistics are the Key to Fighting Crime. Consider the presenter’s main argument as well as the uses of her risk assessment database.

Think of one way you have seen data used in a current or past job. (If you do not currently work in the criminal justice field, you may describe an instance of data use in another field in which you have worked (e.g., human resources, teaching).

Then consider data or a data analysis tool you would like to have in a current or future role. Consider how this data or tool might improve work outcomes, decision making, and/or public safety.

Describe one way you have seen data used in a current or past job. Then describe one data source or data analysis tool you would like to have in a current or future role. Explain how this data or tool might improve work outcomes, decision making, and/or public safety.