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Explain what organizational processes have been used to scan for ideas, select the most appropriate ones and provide resources to implement them

(Netflix) preferably
The coursework will audit and assess the innovative performance of the chosen organization – the main tool for the analysis will be the Diagnostic Framework of Entrepreneurial Practices (Mosey et al, 2017, p120)

1. Explain whether existing capabilities of the organization can deliver appropriate types of innovation
2. Explain how the organization is structured and how it has supported or inhibited innovation
3. Explain how people are recruited and rewarded and how this supports or constrains innovation
4. Explain what organizational processes have been used to scan for ideas, select the most appropriate ones and provide resources to implement them
5. Explain how innovation challenges are identified
6. Explain how innovation is practised with external stakeholders
7. Explain how the organization manages uncertainty and failure
8. Explain how the organization reconciles exploratory and exploitative learning related to innovation performance

There should be three sections to the report
1) The analysis of the eight-core areas (in bold above) of the diagnostic framework (2000 words).
2) The report should make appropriate recommendations for the future innovation strategy of your chosen organization (1000 words).
3) The innovation strategy of your chosen organization in an international context (additional 1,000 words in a clearly separated section of the report)

The report should cover these points with equal weighting.
Reports which gain higher marks will:
 provide evidence of reading around the topic and show a good understanding of the key concepts
 include relevant theory and evidence and reference sources accurately.
 critically discuss different viewpoints with arguments carefully developed and clearly expounded
 show originality of thought
 have good structure and clear presentation (including introductory and concluding sections)
 make insightful and informed recommendations for the future

Strategy This topic will look at the different types of strategy which entrepreneurial and innovative organisation adopt. These include exploring Rationalist vs Incrementalist strategic approaches; using a Massive Transformational Purpose (MTP); identifying Core Competencies and Dynamic Capabilities and disrupting using a Blue Ocean Strategy.
• Understand how strategic approaches to innovation have changed over time
• Explain Rationalist and Incrementalist strategies
• Explain Massive Transformational Purpose (MTP) and how organisations apply this to focus innovation
• Identify the Core Competencies of an organisation: what they are (and are not) and why they are important
• Understand how Dynamic Capabilities answer the problem of strategy development over time –
• Discuss how organisations disrupt using a Blue Ocean Strategy

Structure This topic discusses how an organisational structure is critical to the effectiveness of innovation management. It will explore the relationship between the internal environment and how this enables and constrains creativity and innovation.
• To develop an understanding of how organisational structure is critical to the effectiveness of innovation management
• Explore how organisational structures change over time
• Understand the different types of organisational structure and how these influence innovation
Culture – Reward, Recruitment and Leadership This topic will explain how the design of the internal environment of an organisation is critical to the effectiveness of innovation management. It also explores the role of culture in an innovative organisation; how people create and influence an innovative culture and how organisational leadership influences the management of innovation and entrepreneurship.
• Develop an understanding of how the design of the internal environment is critical to the effectiveness of innovation management.
• Understand the role of culture in an innovative organisation and how people create and influence an innovative culture
• Explain how organizational leadership influences the management of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Processes This topic covers the role of processes in an innovative organisation and how they influence an innovative culture. It explains how organisations choose between potential innovations using selection processes such as stage gates and portfolio approaches.
• Understand the role of processes in an innovative organisation
• Identify how processes influence other areas of innovation especially culture
• Explain different types of innovation selection methods such as stage gates and portfolio approaches
• Determine which innovation selection methods are most appropriate for different types of innovation

Sources and Challenges This topic will explore how organisations identify innovative ideas from a wide range of sources. It explores how organisations use internal and external networks to support innovation. Finally, it explains the different forms of open innovation and how organisations are using them.
• Explore what triggers the innovation process
• Examine how organisations source innovative ideas
• Understand internal and external factors in sources of innovation
External Stakeholders This topic includes how organisations use external networks to support innovation. This includes strategic alliances, partnerships, joint ventures and spin-out firms, as well as different forms of user innovation such as lead users, extreme users and co-creation. Click arrow to expand section
• Understand how organisations utilise external networks to support innovation
• Explain how organisations form joint ventures and spin out firms
• Describe how organisations are using open innovation
• Recognise the different forms of user innovation

Uncertainty and Failure
This topic explores how firms manage uncertainty and failure – a crucial factor in any innovation management programme! It discusses the location of innovation activity, how firms manage uncertainty, corporate venturing and the ‘Lean Approach’.
• Understand the location of innovation activity
• Explore how firms manage uncertainty
• Explore the role of failure in innovation
• Understand Corporate Venturing
• Explore the Lean Approach