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What were the skills, methods of instruction, relationships to students, personal dispositions, and assessment strategies that he used as a means to accomplish his mission?



Throughout the week you have been examining the teaching methods of Jesus along with other “best practices”. Jesus had creator knowledge of how one learns and thus could teach in accordance with His design. Paul was another exemplar of effective teaching. He proclaimed, admonished, and taught everyone in order to present them fully mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28). In light of his fruitful ministry, an examination of his dispositions and methods can shed further light upon a biblical model for teaching. Begin this assignment by studying Paul as a teacher. What were the skills, methods of instruction, relationships to students, personal dispositions, and assessment strategies that he used as a means to accomplish his mission?

Your primary resource should be the biblical text, but feel free to do additional research. Present your conclusions by creating a list of biblical teaching strategies or practices based upon your observations of Paul. Your list should reflect methods, teacher-student relationships, teacher dispositions, means of assessment, etc. (feel free to add an additional category). With each item provide a biblical reference that supports your statement or related statements (note that in the example there were two elements related to the same text). Provide a minimum of fifteen to twenty strategies or practices.


An examination of Paul, the apostle, missionary and teacher, demonstrates effective teaching in that he:

Was clear about desired outcomes

Prayed that these outcomes might be accomplished in the lives of students

Colossians 1:9-12