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Business Research Background: Outline the background information which displays your knowledge of the industry or sector as well as the need for your specific business research. Demonstrate that you have considered prior work in the area, and what needs to be researched.

Assessment 1 Proposal-Proposal

Topic Proposal

Length Minimum 1500 words excluding illustrations (tables, charts, graphs) and appendices.
Marking Criteria Your proposal must provide a clear overview of your research project and plan, including its various components (see detailed information below). Relevant rubrics are available on the Moodle site which give more insight into what is expected in terms of Research, Problem solving and Written
communication. A marking guide will be provided on your Moodle site.

Detailed Information:
Your proposal must consist of the following:

1. Title Page (on a separate page of the proposal): Immediately following the assignment cover sheet should be a title page listing the proposal title, Industry/company and brand logos and any other design you would like to include, your name and the date of submission.

2. Executive Summary: Executive Summary must be on a separate page of the proposal and should contain brief background information, identification of the issue or opportunity to be researched, theoretical framework and methodology proposed.

3. Table of Contents (on a separate page of the proposal). The contents page sets out the sections and subsections of the proposal and their corresponding page numbers.

4. Business Research Background: Outline the background information which displays your knowledge of the industry or sector as well as the need for your specific business research. Demonstrate that you have considered prior work in the area, and what needs to be researched. Source information may include statistical agency data, government, industry or company reports, Bloomberg, newspapers and academic publications including peer reviewed journals. Provide graphs, tables and statistics where necessary (preferable construct your own tables and graphs rather than copy and paste).

5. Identification of Issue or Opportunity: Explore the specific issue or opportunity for the organisation, and explain its significance to the organisation. Clearly state the research objectives and research questions of your study. Do not just repeat the questions provided by the sponsoring organisation.

6. Theoretical Framework what theories or concepts will guide the foundation or reference point(s) for your research? Preferably refer to key concepts you have studied in your prior MBAS studies.


8. Conclusion: Provide a wrap up and summary of your research problem, plan, and expected outcome(s).

9. References: These must be provided in Harvard format (see for further information) in-text as well as at the end of the proposal. Do not number the references. List them in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name.
Appendices: Provide any detailed supporting documentation here. Note that the core messages you are trying to convey should be contained in the body of your report and that the reader would only be expected to refer to the appendices if they needed further detailed information.