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Choose 2 classmates’ posts in which to respond. For each, address the following: Identify a unique strength of the research and/or written thread.



This Discussion: Lab Project – Introduction requires two replies. No quotes are allowed – paraphrase, put information into your own words, and cite appropriately using current APA formatting conventions. Address all required components for maximum points.

Your two replies must be 150 words each.


Choose 2 classmates’ posts in which to respond. For each, address the following:

• Identify a unique strength of the research and/or written thread.

• Did the writer start broad and end specific?

• Does the last paragraph contain a specific purpose, problem statement, and (research) hypothesis?

• Is formatting correct?

• Identify at least TWO specific ways to improve the paper.

• Cite specific portions of the APA Publication Manual to substantiate your suggestions.

• Include a Reference section (one entry minimum).

All replies must incorporate at least 1 in-text citation to the APA Publication Manual and a Reference section (Reference section does not count towards word count). Replies to your peers should be thoughtful, educated, and professional. Avoid unsubstantiated opinions or claims, personal comments, or general comments such as the following, which will result in loss of points:

• “Great job on your introduction / discussion post,”

• “I totally agree with everything you said,”

• “Good luck in the rest of the class,” etc.

Be sure to check the Discussion: Lab Project – Introduction Grading Rubric before beginning this Discussion: Lab Project – Introduction.