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3-5 Sentences about how the activity was received by the students. Were they interested? Did the play continue the next day without guidance? Did the children extend the play in different ways?

Name: Activity Title:

Children’s Age Group: Number of Children in Activity:

Additionally you will be creating a document of instructions to send home to the parents that you will use and place in the Assignment Folder. In this document you need to have the objective of the activity and then the description of the activity. I would recommend bullet points. Make sure to include how the child is going to be sharing information back with the class. Example: After your child has created their leaf rubbing please either have the child bring it to school tomorrow or email a picture of it to me at because we will be talking about the pictures during class. Thank you.
1. Outcomes/Standards – select age group. Instructions in the Assignment Folder will give you the focus of the activity.
• Children Ages Birth to 35 Months (still 2 years) use: Colorado Early Learning & Developmental Guidelines. Visit the website. Watch the video. Then click on [Download PDF] Save to your computer. Go to the correct age and domain that aligns with your activity.
• Children Ages 36 (3 years) to 8 years use: Colorado Dept of Ed State Standards. Visit the CDE website and choose the correct standard that aligns with your activity. Make sure that you are selecting the correct grade.

a. Content Area:

b. Standard/Indicator (write it out):

c. Concept (write it out):

2. Objective(s) of Activity [in measurable terminology]: Your verb will come from Bloom’s Taxonomy pyramid

3. Materials Needed: (list all)

4. Description of Procedure: (list enough that any parent could reproduce this activity, also include words to songs/finger-plays)

5. 3-5 Sentences about how the activity was received by the students. Were they interested? Did the play continue the next day without guidance? Did the children extend the play in different ways? Comments the children made? Was the activity time limited in order to let everyone have a turn? What was the view of the parents? Ect…..

6. Helpful Hints/Follow-Up/Changes: (2-4 Suggestions for next time.)