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Discuss Mary Wigman’s role in Nazi Germany. She was far more complicit (accommodating to the questionable act of following Hitler) than Laban or Jooss.


A reflective Essay should a thoughtful, substantial response of 1.5-2 pages plus a cited references page.

Discuss Mary Wigman’s role in Nazi Germany. She was far more complicit (accommodating to the questionable act of following Hitler) than Laban or Jooss.

How might this association (coupled with her also being a female artist) place her in a darker light, even though she eventually turns against the Nazi regime? Can you think of any other tragic characters from United States’ history, who have been on the ‘wrong side of history’? Would this modern dance pioneer be better known had she not fallen in step with the Nazis? How does our memory become affected? What does it do to the art they have left behind? Consider all these points when drafting your responses. Remember, the body/dance is different than visual art.

Years ago, we could not record live performance the way we can now. Memories were the main way of transference.

Hence, propaganda becomes embedded in our thoughts and is able to live well beyond the normal life span of an ephemeral work.

Initial Source to consider (though you are expected to do your own research to add):