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Paper must include a specific reference to a concept from the chapter for the module and thoughtfully describe how the findings from the journal article relate to that concept.


choose ONE of the articles posted below and write a 2-page reaction paper on it. There are no specific requirements about what to write about but please talk about whatever you find interesting. The paper will be a 2-page Word document using a 12-point font, normal default margins, and double spacing. It must be at least 1.75 pages and not more than 2.25 pages long. Please include a title page with your info and the name of the article, 2 pages of writing, and a bibliography of the paper you picked.

Below are some suggestions (not requirements) to help with the rest of the paper:

why you picked the article and why it is interesting to you

insights you learned from the article that you think are important

how this article relates to a class topic

anything else you think is relevant.


Facial recognition in autism (Links to an external site.) – Bolte et al., 2006 (PDF Download PDF )

Color preferences in gorillas and chimps (Links to an external site.)- Wells et al., 2008 (PDF Download PDF )

History of visual complexity (Links to an external site.) – Donderi, 2006 (PDF Download PDF )

Wellness of adults with late-onset deafness (Links to an external site.) – Meyer et al., 2013 (PDF Download PDF )

Female fertility and the role of scent (pheromones) (Links to an external site.) – Miller & Maner, 2011 (PDF Download PDF )

Acute loss of smell and taste in COVID-19 (Links to an external site.)- Lee et al., 2020 (PDF Download PDF

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Basic requirements – due Sun at 11:59pm

1) Paper is turned in on time and 2) Paper is at least 2 pages long (0.5 pages of recap and 1.5 pages of student’s thoughts and opinions on the article)

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Relevance to class concepts

Paper must include a specific reference to a concept from the chapter for the module and thoughtfully describe how the findings from the journal article relate to that concept.

Assesses the general thoughtfulness, relevance, and appropriateness of the Response Paper as well as the effort and detail put into the assignment. Up to the discretion of the professor.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Title page and APA-style bibliography

Must include 1) a title page with the article title and author info and 2) an APA-style bibliography.

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