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According to Wordsworth in his “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”, what is the main positive effect that the use of meter (and rhyme) has on poetry?

AP/EN 1001 3.0 C: An Introduction to Literary Study Fall 2021 Course Director & Tutorial Leaders: John Bell, Yasmina Jaksic, and Tina Takapoui essay topics (for causal-analysis essay due September 27, 2021) Weighting: 10% of final grade

INTRUCTIONS: Write an essay of at least 300 words on one of the following topics. These topics do not require research, and you should try to avoid using anything other than your own reading of the texts, and course lecture and tutorial discussions in writing on these topics. However, if you do use research, it must be adequate in range and quality, and it must be cited.

Any readings assigned for this course and used in this essay should be cited. Essays for English courses should follow the MLA citation protocols. Not to cite your sources is plagiarism, a breach of academic honesty, and such a breach is taken very seriously by York University. Go to this url to peruse the University’s policy on academic honesty: http://secretariat-

1. According to Wordsworth in his “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”, what is the main positive effect that the use of meter (and rhyme) has on poetry?

2. Choose one poem assigned September 8-September 26 and discuss one or two effects of its prosodic form.

3. Focus on one emotion or aesthetic response that you experienced while reading one poem assigned September 8-September 26, and discuss one or two ways in which the poem’s prosodic form helped to cause that response.

4. In “Rape”, what causes the “light of the precinct” to be “sickening” (Rich 27, 28); OR in Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of Immortality”, what causes “custom to lie upon [an adult] with a weight/ Heavy as frost, and deep almost as life” (127-28)?