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Identify and describe the biological, psychological and social factors that affects the identified service user. Examples to consider could include physical health conditions, physical disabilities, family circumstances, social support, relationships, employment, social skills, trauma, mental health, coping skills. Demonstrate the influence and impact of these factors on your identified service user’s health and health behaviour.

This summative assessment for the Promoting Health and Wellbeing module accounts for 100% of your final marks.

This assessment will comprise of a 2000 word case study. The assessment is designed to assess your understanding of the relationship between mental and physical health and various influences on health outcomes. You will also demonstrate your understanding of the importance of shared decision and collaborative working with service users to improve their health and wellbeing.

Summative assessment brief
Identify a service user either from your current practice or from placement. With your identified service user, identify and discuss the biological, psychological and social factors impacting on their health and discuss how you would promote their health and wellbeing.


Introduce your essay, outlining what you will cover, including an introduction of your chosen service user. Make sure you maintain confidentiality use pseudo names. Add your rationale for choosing the service user.
The main body of the essay should cover:

1. Identify and describe the biological, psychological and social factors that affects the identified service user. Examples to consider could include physical health conditions, physical disabilities, family circumstances, social support, relationships, employment, social skills, trauma, mental health, coping skills. Demonstrate the influence and impact of these factors on your identified service user’s health and health behaviour.

2. Consider the relationship between their mental health and physical health e.g Does their physical condition impact on their mood and increase their risk of depression or does their low mood or cognitive deficits mean that they find it difficult to prepare healthy meals or to be physically active? Why is it important that an integrated approach to care is needed? Think about Parity of esteem issues

3. Identify whether the service user faces any inequalities in relationship to their health and strategies to address these. You could consider e.g. inequalities in relation to socio economic status, gender, mental illness, and ethnicity.

4. Identify the importance of health promotion and the role of the nursing associate in supporting people to lead healthier lives across the lifespan. Consider the opportunities for promoting a healthier lifestyle with your service user e.g. smoking cessation, improving their dietary intake; increasing physical activity and what would your role be with this.

5. Consider what effective communication skills would need to be used to and empower your service user to take an active role in their health and wellbeing. So you could consider how you would engage in conversations with the service user to support them to make any identified behavior change. You could consider approaches such as health coaching.

6. Identify the principles of collaborative working and shared decision making. Define collaborative working and shared decision making, in and consider reasons why this approach is recommended in order to promote health. How could you apply these when working with your service user.
Provide a conclusion to your essay summarising the key points that you have included.
8. Academic skills:
 You must ensure the work reflects level four expectations as described in Kingston University grade criteria (Assignment ). Clear logical structure, academic presentation, accurate grammar and spelling, adheres to Faculty policy on word count, plagiarism and confidentiality.