Word count: 3000 (600 words per question)
References: 10 – (journal articles, peer reviewed, academic, official sites etc.)
Referencing style: Harvard
Writing: in 1st person
Plagiarism software in use: Ouriginal (previously known as URKUND)
Compare and contrast a political leader from the past (20 century) with a political leader in the present (21 century).
Analyse the following aspects of leadership in the report:
1. What leadership styles are evident in the behaviours and actions of the chosen leaders?
2. To what extent did/do contemporaneous circumstances (ideologies, beliefs, popular feeling and so on) influence the particular leaders’ rise to
3. What are the similarities and differences of these leaders and to what extent are these a result of different times/cultures?
4. What lessons can we learn from the past for political leadership in the present?
5. What leadership lessons have you learnt from your analysis of your chosen leaders?