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Write a Progress Report. You will be reporting on progress being made on the team-building gathering/activity that the president and vice president of your company want you to create. Use the same fictional company you used for the questionnaire, and you’ll be using the questionnaire results to guide this assignment.

Words: 440
Pages: 2
Subject: Business

Business Morale


Write a Progress Report. You will be reporting on progress being made on the team-building gathering/activity that the president and vice president of your company want you to create. Use the same fictional company you used for the questionnaire, and you’ll be using the questionnaire results to guide this assignment. (You will have a questionnaire that you created. You can fill out the answsers.).

This report is, to update the readers (the president, vice president, and any other executives/managers at the company involved in the decision-making process) on the progress being made toward making the team-building activity happen.

In your report, you need to include questionnaire and some created feedback. You can also make up some other things you’ve done–for instance, you can write that you have researched how much it would cost to hire a speaker, provide food and beverage, etc. You are allowed to make up figures for things like this as long as they are reasonable. Remember that the main task you have here is to come up with an event that will help with team-building and improve morale.

The plan should be informed by the results you got from questionnaire you wrote, so base your report on the information you received (the information you make up re: responses) from employees who filled out and returned the questionnaire.

You must have at least FOUR sources for this paper but no more than five. These are the requirements for those sources:

Your questionnaire.You can make up responses to those questionnaires and share that information in your report. Your questionnaire will be included as an appendix in the report. Provided

TWO articles from periodicals (magazines, newspaper, trade publications, academic journals) Provided.

ONE source from the internet (no more than two). Not provided… Wikipedia is not an acceptable source Here are some other sites that are not acceptable: , , and others that are more for “infotainment” than information. Avoid blogs. advice/information on those sites are usually presented in a way to sell readers something.

Here are some terms you can look for to find information to help you. Again, these are not the only terms you can use, but if you are stuck trying to find sources, these might help:

team building

employee morale

employee motivation

employee reward

Sources must be documented in APA format. You must include in-text citations for your sources, as well. Your report should include each of the elements that are included in the example in the text and must be 3-4 full pages long, double-spaced, not including References page and any appendices.