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Describe the facility, the type of work they do, the type of clientele they service, and describe the preceptor. What was the preceptor’s style? Provide a discussion of the overall experience with the patients.

NURU-645 Signature Assignment 250 points Evaluation Summary of Clinical Experiences

This assignment is the Signature Assignment and is due when the student has completed 250 clinical hours for the course. The Evaluation Summary of Clinical Experiences paper provides a student with an opportunity to summarize and synthesize a blending of various therapeutic approaches that they were able to experience over the last 510 hours of psychiatric experiences with various patients and preceptors. The following will be expected of each student: Identify the best and the worst of your experiences.

Which preceptors did you learn the most from, what do you wish you had done differently or are you completely satisfied with the experiences you had? Do you feel you have developed symbiotic ways to help patients develop insight and solutions to their problems in the context of individual psychotherapy and medication management?

Provide objective comments about your facilities and your preceptors – would you recommend them to future students? Briefly and succinctly, describe each type of experience you were able to get and ones that you wish you had been able to get.

Describe the facility, the type of work they do, the type of clientele they service, and describe the preceptor. What was the preceptor’s style? Provide a discussion of the overall experience with the patients.

Was this experience what you expected, was it less, or was it more? Do you still want to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner? Were you able to see patients alone, did your preceptors allow you to “run the sessions”? Do you feel that you learned any of the business aspects of becoming a PMHNP from your preceptors? Do you feel that you understand some of the billing and coding? What about how your role is changing (even if you are already a nurse practitioner).

Do you feel that your preceptors prepared you for what is ahead? Do you feel ready? How are you different? What has changed about you? How will your approach with patients be different? Has the population of patients that you thought you would want to work with changed? This assignment can either be a paper or a video. Videos are to be no longer than 15 minutes. Papers are to be no longer than 5 pages.

This can be done in first person. No references are necessary. You can include brochures from your facilities or pictures of the facilities if you want but it is not mandatory. If you choose to do a video you may do either a YouTube or a Vimeo. This assignment is to be turned in to Blackboard