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• Explain how Durkheim has theorized the shift from pre-modern to modern society in terms of social cohesion (social solidarity, social integration, social cohesion are all synonyms, by the way! They all mean the same thing!).

Émile Durkheim (1858–1917) is the founding father of sociology. Not until Durkheim did a person systematically apply scientific methods to the study of society. A French philosopher and sociologist, Durkheim stressed the importance of studying social facts, or patterns of behavior characteristic of a particular group. Durkheim was primarily interested in what holds society together when it is increasingly made up of people with specialized roles and responsibilities.

Just like Marx, Durkheim was fascinated by the tremendous economic, political and religious transformations that had taken place in 19th century Europe. While both took to close examination of the shift to modernity, each came up with different ways of looking at it. Marx saw economics and emergence of capitalism as the driving force for social change and the source of conflict in society. In contrast, Durkheim’s key concern was social cohesion. He wanted to know how societies keep together after agriculturally-based collectivistic way of life disintegrates. He looked at how social order is achieved through shared values, but he observed that when society becomes more anomic or disconnected, shared values are harder to establish.

Finally, Marx conceptualized history as a revolutionary process, i.e change happens abruptly. In his view capitalism creates conflict because the rich exploit the poor and the poor seek ways to overcome that exploitation. In contrast, Durkheim saw social change as evolutionary, in his view change happens more gradually and organically. Yet, in times of dramatic social change social bonds become weak and lead individuals to feel disconnected, alienated, and without a moral rudder.

ESSAY # 2 addresses this fascinating topic.
If you start brainstorming and outlining now, you have more than ample time to complete it on time, and without stress.
To help you in the process I have created a “road map” of how to complete this assignment––including all the different steps and major points–– Please use the following outline.


Durkheim’s key idea is to analyze how modern societies could maintain social integration after the role of traditional meaning-making institutions and social bonds of church, community and family have been changed and diminished by modern economic relations. To start with define social integration (broad, general definition), state that there are two types and that each corresponds to different time period and different mode of economic and social organization of human society.

• Explain how Durkheim has theorized the shift from pre-modern to modern society in terms of social cohesion (social solidarity, social integration, social cohesion are all synonyms, by the way! They all mean the same thing!).

• introduce and define mechanical solidarity. Provide your own example.
• Introduce and define organic solidarity. Provide your own example
• Explain why ‘anomie’ or what Durkheim refers to as the disintegration of society due to the breakdown of traditional institutions is the by product of modernity. Can you think of examples/sign of growing anomie in today’s society?

• How do modern individuals strive to overcome anomie & create more meaningful existence?
Summarize key points. Close with final reflection.