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Thinking of the case study above which methods would you use to address the following formulated questions? Describe advantages and disadvantages of using each method. Please write no more than 275 words.

Case study
Karen is a 20 year-old who has been referred to the Clinical Psychology service from her GP. Karen reports feeling low and is experiencing a significant amount of stress about her university studies, noting that she’ll “probably fail.” She spends much of her day in the halls of residence watching Youtube and has a hard time identifying what, if anything, is enjoyable in a typical day. Karen rarely goes to lectures and has avoided seeking help to improve her grades. Karen has always been a self-described shy person and has had a very small group of friends from her childhood. Notably, her level of stress significantly increased when she began university. When meeting new people, she has a hard time concentrating on social interactions because she worries what they will think of her, assuming they will find her “dumb,” or “boring”. After the interaction, she replays the conversation over and over again, focusing on the “stupid” things she said. Karen has begun avoiding her friends and is not answering phone calls or other attempts at communication.

Activity is to draw upon the theories such as psychobiological, biopsychological, cognitive neuroscience theory and environmental factors, identifying those that would help you understand the behaviours exhibited within the case. You should choose between 2-3 theories and compare and contrast them, justifying which one you think would be most useful in understanding what is going on. Choose at least one psychometric scale.

Thinking of the case study above which methods would you use to address the following formulated questions?
Describe advantages and disadvantages of using each method. Please write no more than 275 words.

How early childhood experiences impact on development?
What are the factors affecting Karen’s intelligence?
Does Karen suffer from neurological disabilities?

Please use primary reference as this is about individual difference. You use peered reviewed article and peered reviewed research as well.
Freud, S. (1917). General theory of the neuroses. Standard edition, 16, 243-463.
Prof Armstrong (2014). Id, Ego, Superego. Retrieved from
Kazdin, A.E., Bass, D., Siegel, T., & Thomas, C. (1989). Cognitive-behavioral therapy and relationship therapy in the treatment of children referred for antisocial behavior. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57(4), 522-535.
Ken Tangen (2010). If you Know Nothing about Personality 06: NeoFreudians. Retrieved from
Maltby, J., Day, L., & Macaskill, A. (2013). Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence. London: Pearson Education.
Maslow, A.H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
Maslow, A.H. (1954). The instinctoid nature of basic needs. Journal of Personality, 22(3), 326-347.
Sprouts (2017). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved from
Rodriguez, J.A., & Silva, S.A. (2002). Sören Kierkegaard, Carl Rogers y la relación terapéutica. In Anales de psiquiatria, 18(8), 375-377. Aran Ediciones.
Teusch, L., Böhme, H., & Gastpar, M. (1997). The benefit of an insight-oriented and experiential approach on panic and agoraphobia symptoms. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 66(6), 293-301.