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What are the four major stages of bone repair after a fracture? In your description, discuss why it is beneficial to start the healing process with firbrocartilage rather than producing new mineralized bone immediately.

The Skeleton


This assignment consists of five questions. Each of your responses should be one or more paragraphs long, depending upon the depth of the question. An answer consisting of only a few short sentences is insufficient and will receive a poor grade. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.

Copy the following questions, add your answers, and submit them below in one attached document.

1. What are the four major stages of bone repair after a fracture? In your description, discuss why it is beneficial to start the healing process with firbrocartilage rather than producing new mineralized bone immediately.

2. Why do you think wheelchair-bound people with paralyzed lower limbs have thin weak bones in the leg and thigh? Compare and Contrast controls of bone remodeling exerted by hormones and by gravitational and mechanical forces, including the purpose of each control system and changes in bone architecture that might occur.

3. The major function of the shoulder girdle is to provide flexibility. Using your understanding of skeletal structures, what is the major junction of the pelvic girdle? Relate these functional differences to the anatomical differences between the girdles.

4. What would happen if all cartilaginous joints were transformed into fibrous joints? First, provide describe the general consequences in terms of movement and flexibility and then choose a specific joint to describe further as an example.

5. When classifying joints, the knee has been called “a beauty and a beast” Provide several reasons that might explain the negative (beast) aspects of the knee.