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Evaluate Vendor Alternatives. Describe and evaluate two to four vendor alternatives. Indicate pros, cons for each alternative. You must evaluate real vendors ex. Epic, Allscripts, Meditech

Health Information System

Students are required to submit a not less than seven page research project at the end of the semester. The topic is that you are an information technology consultant and have been hired to evaluate the vendor information system alternatives and select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity. You will prepare a consulting report on analyzing current systems and providing needs analysis. You will evaluate potential vendors and provide a recommendation for a new system.

A special project is required as follows:

Consider that you are an information technology consultant. You have been hired to evaluate the vendor information system alternatives and select a new healthcare information system for a hospital, clinical department or other provider entity. You will prepare a consulting report that includes the following:

1. Situation Analysis. Describe the “real” or hypothetical work environment, provider objectives and current information systems configuration as well as any unmet needs or issues. What current clinical systems does the hospital or ambulatory clinic have? What are their pain points with the current setup?

2. Functional Requirements. List or otherwise characterize the key functional requirements to be met by a new or upgraded health information system.

3. Evaluate Vendor Alternatives. Describe and evaluate two to four vendor alternatives. Indicate pros, cons for each alternative. You must evaluate real vendors ex. Epic, Allscripts, Meditech

4. Provisional Recommendation. Given the information available to you, what do you recommend as next steps? Options include upgrading the current system or implementing a new enterprise-wide clinical system. Be specific and indicate your rationales for your recommendation.

5. A table comparing features of the vendor alternatives

6. A graphic representation depicting the workflow of one department in your
fictional hospital.

*Define the process that you will be taking to make a decision. For example, form a steering committee, have vendor demonstration days etc. Use Chapter 5 as your guide.
Students are encouraged to come forward with their own project ideas and then secure approval.

Much or most of the information required for this assignment should be available from the Web. However, you may also wish to obtain product information through your own or another organization. You may also interview one or more individuals with relevant experience and expertise.

Your consultant’s report should be written as a single-spaced business-type report, about ten pages in length. The report will have:
• No less than seven pages narrative, includicgong all the subsections indicated above