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Explain several nutrition therapy approaches for patients with short bowel syndrome. In your own words, explain what intestinal adaptation is in relation to short bowel syndrome.

Topic: Learning activity 11

Paper details:

NUR 235 – Nutrition Learning Activity #11 Name: _______________________
Chapter 18 – Fiber Modified Diets for Lower GI Tract Disorders (5 points)
Read Chapter 18 in our course textbook, and answer the following questions based on the reading. Please use your own words to summarize the content you are learning. Be sure to follow course guidelines for length and depth on discuss, describe, and explain questions. Points will be deducted for not following these guidelines.

1. Patients with colostomies or ileostomies are often worried about foods that may increase gas production or cause strong odors. Based on this common concern, answer the following 2 questions. (a) List several (4-5) foods that you would encourage patients with ostomies to avoid due to gas production and unpleasant odors. (b) Which foods would you recommend to a patient with an ostomy to reduce gas production and/or strong odors? (1 point)

2. Explain several nutrition therapy approaches for patients suffering from diarrhea. (0.75 point)

3. Explain several nutrition therapy approaches for patients suffering from Crohn’s disease. (0.75 point)

4. Fill in the blanks using the correct Word Bank terms below. Spelling must be correct to achieve credit. (0.5 points each)
• An inflammatory bowel disease that involves the colon and rectum and affects the mucosa of the intestinal wall .
• A surgically created opening in a body tissue or organ.
• Removal of a portion or all of the colon.
• In a lactose intolerant person, may increase intestinal gas.
• A surgical passage through the abdominal wall into the colon
Word Bank
caffeine irritable bowel ulcerative colitis flatulence ileostomy stoma fistula osmotic colostomy colectomy milk Crohn’s disease
Chapter 19 – Carbohydrate- & Fat-Modified Diets for Malabsorption Disorders (5 points)
Read Chapter 19 in our course textbook, and answer the following questions based on the reading. Please use your own words to summarize the content you are learning. Be sure to follow course guidelines for length and depth on discuss, describe, and explain questions. Points will be deducted for not following these guidelines.

1. Complete this statement from Chapter 19: is a central feature of cystic fibrosis treatment.” (0.25 point)
2. Which 5 nutrient deficiencies are of greatest concern in cystic fibrosis? (0.5 point)

3. (a) Explain several nutrition therapy approaches for patients with short bowel syndrome. (b) In your own words, explain what intestinal adaptation is in relation to short bowel syndrome. (1 point)

4. In regard to nutrition therapy for fat malabsorption, explain several tips, suggestions, and recommendations for (a) following a fat-restricted diet and (b) for using MCT oil. (0.75 point)

5. Fill in the blanks using the correct Word Bank terms below. Spelling must be correct to achieve credit. (0.5 points each)
• An immune disorder characterized by an abnormal immune response to a dietary protein found in wheat.
• Excessive bacterial colonization of the stomach and small intestine is termed bacterial
• coated medications withstand gastric acidity and dissolve only at the higher pH of the small intestine.
• Excessive fat in the stools due to fat malabsorption.
• Removal of a tissue sample to determine the cause of an illness.
Word Bank
Celiac disease dermatitis enteric biopsy soaps cheese gluten translocation steatorrhea gluten resection adaptation overgrowcgoth oxalates