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Compare and contrast the later years of Qing Dynasty China as well as the rise of the Republic of China (1912-1949) with the current Chinese Communist Party rule.

History of Chinese Law & Society: Focus on late Qing period/Republic of China

Compare and contrast the later years of Qing Dynasty China as well as the rise of the Republic of China (1912-1949) with the current Chinese Communist Party rule. Essentially, you will be comparing/contrasting authoritarian nationalism in Chinese rule of law between early 20th century China (late Qing and Republic of China) to modern CCP China.

The comparisons and contrasts to be drawn will be specific to the law and authoritarianism; this means that you will look at importance of the rule of law in Qing and Republic of China and compare/contrast it to the rule of law in China today, with an emphasis on freedoms or lack thereof and authoritarianism. Include historical events and dates as much as you can in a way that makes contextual sense and displays knowledge of Chinese history in the early to mid 20th century. This will also mean focusing on the rise of nationalism in China after the end of the Qing era and how this served as the benchmark for future republic and then communist rule.

I will include some sources for you to quote and cite from and a primary source or two, namely a speech from Sun yat-sen, where you can break down the feelings held by the government towards national unity. How does this compare to the importance of unity in China today? Other things to be included and touched on can be the influence of western values, specifically freedom and free markets, in both the early 20th century and in modern China. As for specific laws, I will include some sources that discuss the laws of late Qing and the Republic of China as well as modern laws today, such as internet censorship and self-censorship, and you will need to go over the similarities and differences of these. You can use your own judgement as far as the structure of the essay goes.

Note: Please include a 200-300 word abstract as a brief summary and outline of the paper