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Determine your collective opinion of the potential for co-production to positively impact these three aspects of public service delivery: What challenges or potential downsides do you see in meeting these potential goals?

Public Service Resp Citizen

Paper details:

View and read the following:
1.1. USC Price School of Public Policy, Highlights: Can Co-Production Models Increase Citizen Participation in Community Development? (2019)
1.2. Spice, Co-Production (2013)
1.3. McMullin, C. (2019). The Who, What, How and Why of Co-Production of Public Services
1.4. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Citizens as Innovators: Six bullet points and video (Retrieved Sep 11, 2021)

2.1. Decide on the best method and time for communication and collaboration
2.2. Prepare a 2-3 page essay that addresses the following:

· Consider this quote from Caitlin McMullin: “When introducing co-production processes, public managers must ask themselves ‘why?’ Although much of what has been written on co-production comes from a normative perspective, promoting the wide ranging benefits of engaging citizens in the design and delivery of services, there are many types of benefits that these activities may result in – and potential downsides. Is the aim to do ‘more for less’ and decrease the cost of public services, improve the quality of services, or to empower citizens and improve the democratic accountability of services?”

Determine your collective opinion of the potential for co-production to positively impact these three aspects of public service delivery:
▪ What challenges or potential downsides do you see in meeting these potential goals?
▪ How might some of these challenges be addressed?
▪ Do you feel that co-production is a viable method for effective public service delivery in the U.Scgo.? Why or why not