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Identify the kind of streaming that such companies might be doing and the specific technology they would be using. • What are the technical vulnerabilities associated with the protocols involved?

Step : Review Protocols for Streaming Services

After reviewing the policies from the company and the policy gap analysis, the M&A leader asks you about the protocols used by the streaming company. He wants to know if the protocols used would affect the current state of cybersecurity within the current company environment. For this section of the report, review the protocols, explain how they work along with any known vulnerabilities, and how to secure the company from cyberattacks. Start with researching the commonly known streaming protocols and the vulnerabilities of those protocols. Some examples are the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), and the Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP).
Additionally, the leadership wants to know if any vulnerabilities identified would or could lead to a no-go on the M&A.

In other words:
• You need to identify the kind of streaming that such companies might be doing and the specific technology they would be using.

• What are the technical vulnerabilities associated with the protocols involved?

• Have those been mitigated? And to what extent (i.e., has the risk been reduced to zero, reduced somewhat, shifted to a third party, etc.)?

• What residual risk to the target company’s assets and IP remain?

• Would those risks extend to the current (takeover) company after the merger? Would that be bad enough to cancel the M&A?

• If the response to the last question is yes, then what should the target company do to further mitigate the risk? How should the takeover company mitigate the risk?

• What are the costs associated to the target company (implementing the appropriate mitigation)? If the takeover firm has to take additional measures, identify those costs as well.
After assessing and reviewing the streaming protocols, move to the next step, where you will assess the infrastructure of the merged network.