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Plan and prepare a lesson of 90 minutes relating to your subject specialism, using the lesson plan template provided to record your planning.

Words: 242
Pages: 1
Subject: Education


Section 1: Planning, preparing and delivering the micro-teach In this assignment you need to show that you are able to meet the learning needs of students by planning, preparing and delivering a 20 minute learning session on your specialist area from a 90 minute planned lesson. This will take place as a micro-teaching activity with other trainees acting as the ‘learners’.

One of your course tutors will observe you delivering the session; your tutor will provide feedback to you on your performance and on the quality of the learning taking place. The micro-teach will also be filmed to facilitate analysis of performance and to demonstrate progression.

For this assignment you will need to:

● Plan and prepare a lesson of 90 minutes relating to your subject specialism, using the lesson plan template provided to record your planning.

● Complete a Rationale for Learning Design form (see Appendix 1), providing a detailed rationale for your intended strategies and approach, explaining why you believe they will be effective and appropriate to the session. complete the rationale as if you were teaching your usual cohort of learners, rather than for your classmates from the PGCE course.

● Submit for assessment the teaching and learning resources and assessment materials relating to the 90 minute lesson you have planned, giving a copy of these to your tutor before the start of your micro-teach.

● Teach a micro-lesson of 20 minutes from the 90 minute planned lesson.

● Include the Micro-Teach Observation Feedback from your tutor (see Appendix 2) and peers.