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Assess the legal and ethical implications of United States companies doing business abroad for informing business decisions that are compliant with applicable domestic laws.

10 Final Project Part II Guidelines

Overview The second part of the final project for this course is the creation of a memorandum.

Legal situations arise frequently in everyday business practice, but the assessment of the key issues is not always clear. A working understanding of essential business law concepts is critical for the successful navigation of complex and diverse business environments. Successfully addressing real-world situations will sharpen your skills in spotting issues, identifying vulnerabilities that you may face as a member of the corporate world, and becoming more sensitive to legal dilemmas that commonly arise in business.

For your two-part summative assessment, you will be preparing two professional business memorandums related to the application of business law in specific hypothetical scenarios. For Final Project Part II, you will prepare a five-page professional memorandum for your supervisor in a hypothetical U.S. corporation that is considering doing business overseas.

Your findings and critical assessment of the cases will help shape the approach of corporate stakeholders to the legal matters raised, including each company’s response to each situation.
The project is divided into one milestone, which will be submitted before Final Project Part II to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. This milestone will be submitted in Module Seven. The final submission for Final Project Part II will be submitted in Module Ten.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Assess the impact of business law on organizational decision making for informing strategic legal decisions

 Analyze pertinent facts of business client cases by effectively employing foundational law principles

 Select key legislation and legal precedents that impact client cases for informing legal decisions

 Assess the impact of public perception on companies in legal situations for informing business practices

 Assess the legal and ethical implications of United States companies doing business abroad for informing business decisions that are compliant with applicable domestic laws