This assignment was given to paper coach prior and received a failing score. Comment from Professor below :
Can you include a reference list of articles outside our readings next time?
Jane you cited a lot of outside sources but I’m not sure the information you presented is entirely accurate. There are also some misconceptions or unclear statements. It was often times difficult to follow your writing. Many statements seem to be welded together without much understanding behind it. Also, the examples lack sufficient details.
Include at least two examples.
Specific Requirements:
The reflection entries should:
1) Address all the prompts
2) Reflect accurate knowledge of course topics
3) Include specific details from field experience
4) Demonstrate critical thinking
1) Use academic writing style (e.g., no abbreviations such as “you’re”)
2) Be clear and logical
3) Use correct spelling, word choice, and grammar
4) Recommended length: 2 double-spaced pages
Tamis-LeMonda Luo Song chapter(1).pdf
Seidenberg 2005 Connectionist Model.pdf
Schutz Connectionism.pdf
Verenikina 2003 Understanding Scaffolding and ZPD(1).pdf
Tamis-LeMonda Kuchirko Song Current Directions in Psychological Science 2014(1).pdf
Golinkoff 2015 Babytalk-to-me IDS.pdf
NAEYC Media Statement.pdf
Six Principles of Language Development_Implications for Second Language Learners(1).pdf
Otto Chapter 5.pdf
Class slides
2. Lang Dev Intro.pdf
3. Science and Theory of Lang Dev.pdf
4. Infancy and Toddlerhood I.pdf
5. Infancy and Toddlerhood II(1).pdf
Field Videos
DISCLAIMER: The following videos are to serve as a temporary solution to field observation during the Covid-19 pandemic, when in-person fieldwork poses risks for both the children and teachers in the class as well as the observing students. The videos including the commentaries within do NOT necessarily represent promising/best practices or the instructor’s views. They should be viewed as “observations” in the real world through the lens of the people who filmed, posted, and/or curated these videos. Students are to view them with critical eyes and reflect on what they learn in the course to discover positive and negative examples.
Infancy and toddlerhood (~3hrs):
Connecting with Practice Series NQS PLP – Engaging with babies and toddlers (6’45”)
Language for Learning: Infants and Toddlers (14’12”)
Babies and toddlers: Amazing learners – Video 1-3 (15’54”, 10’48”, 14’50”)
Mrs. Cats toddler circle time (13’35”)
Day Care Observation Video #1, 2, 3 (31’14”, 27’46”, 28’02”)
Infant Toddler Ob 18 mo Exploring Books (2’27”)
Circletime routine
Preschool years:
Language for Learning: Preschoolers
Developing oral language skills in preschool children
Preschool Observation Videos (approx. 3hrs)
Mrs Kilmer’s 4yr old class Playtime (9’38”)
3rd observation part 1 (33’11”)
Connecting with Practice NQS PLP – Children playing with cars and trucks
Connecting with Practice Series NQS PLP – Sandpit play
(oral language, feedback, responsiveness)
Observing Practice Series NQS PLP – Linking literacy learning through outdoor play
Head Start Teacher’s Training Video (21’07”)
Utilizing Interactive Read-Alouds to Support Oral Language Development
Focused Observations Chapter 3 Video 6 (5’30”)
Pre-K Observation Videos (not all are pre-k; sound quality is so-so)
Cultural diversity:
Search “cultural diversity in preschool classrooms” in Youtube to see a variety of videos. Some examples (some are videos related to the original search results),
Anti-bias lessons help preschoolers hold up a mirror to diversity
ODE Early Childhood: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion
Cultural Understanding
Dual language:
A Dual Language Preschool Classroom (11’10”)
English Language Learners: Culture, Equity and Language (5’; not really ECE but relevant)
Supporting Oral Language Development in Dual Language Learners (10’49”)
A Study of the Play of Dual Language Learners in an English-Speaking Classroom (8’31”)
Strategies for Supporting Dual Language Learners in an Early Childhood Classroom (2’46”)
Supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in early childhood (4’15”)
Cultural and linguistic diversity: Case study
Language learning difficulties:
**Observing Development in Child Care Settings, And Making Referrals to Early Intervention (our own ECE center at BC!)
Autism Speech Delay in 5 Year Old
Examples of different levels of severity in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Learning Hub
NQS PLP – Observing Practice Series (2011-2013)
NQS PLP – Connecting with Practice Series (2012-2014)
NQS PLP – Have you thought about…? (2012-2014)
CECE Early Childhood Videos at Eastern CT State U.
1. Language Development – An Introduction (birth to 5 years)
1) Describe in detail the skills in the four domains of language development (i.e., Phonological development , Grammatical, Lexical, and Pragmatic Developments) of two children of similar age who attend your field classroom.( kindergarten ICT Classroom) Compare and contrast their language skills in the four domains. In what ways are they different? Do not do both phonological skills and development ,just development)
2) What factors might have caused these differences? Investigate these factors by interviewing
the teacher (and/or parents) about these children and report your findings. ( interview the co teacher as she is the sped teacher)
2. The Science and Theory of Language Development (birth to 5 years)
1) Describe an example of ZPD in children’s language learning. For example, when children cannot pronounce a word properly, or cannot say a complete sentence, or cannot answer a particular question regarding a story by themselves, but with assistance or prompt can succeed.
2) Describe what scaffolding strategies the teacher(s) or you provided or could provide to help the children accomplish the task in the above example.
3) Are the scaffolding strategies effective? If not, how can they be improved?
3. Language Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood I (under 3 years) videos or reference a daycare center setting
1) Describe an example of Phonological or Lexical Development from your field classroom that reflects infants’ or toddlers’ inborn capabilities (nature) and caregivers’ influence (nurture) on their development in that domain.
2) Based on the lecture on contingent maternal responses, discuss the use of media (e.g., TV, DVD, etc.) and/or electronic toys in your field class and its effects on infants’ and toddlers’ (0-2 years) language development in your field class.
4. Language Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood II (under 3 years)
1) Describe the language related experiences of the infants or toddlers in your field class during their daily routines (e.g., conversations during feeding or changing).
2) Describe an example of joint attention and discuss how it affects infants’ or toddlers’ language learning.
3) Describe an example of caregiver responsiveness and discuss how it affects infants’ or toddlers’ language learning.