Visual display in siamese fighting fish
Paper details:
For the results section please use the following as a guide:
1 figure for each experiment. If you are able to combine all the data in 1 or 2 figures that is fine as well, just make sure that you don’t leave anything out
Bar graphs are the recommended graph it’s the easiest to read and present this type of data. For the pilot experiment a pie graph might work as well
Remember to add caption to figures. Captions should provide enough information so that the figures can stand alone!
Statistical analysis is not required but will strengthen your paper if you do include them (ex. t-test, can be done an excel)
Remember to refer to your figures in brackets throughout your writing ex. (Fig. 1)
All figures will go in an appendix at the END of your papers so keep that in mind when writing your sections
For your discussion:
Discussion should be at least 2.5-3 pages double spaced
Should include 8 NEW references, different from your introduction. You may repeat references from your intro but you must include 8 additional references.
Opposite to the intro, your discussion should start by explaining your results and then becoming more broad to include the significance of this study and potential applications or next steps. What do your findings mean and how do they fit into the larger context? refer to the “How to Write a Paper” doc in teams for general structure.
Here are the links to the videos.