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Examine the competencies of “Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities” and “Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.”

Comprehensive Field Case Analysis Project, Assessment and Intervention (Part 6)

Paper details:

For Part 6 of your case analysis project, you will examine the competencies of “Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities” and “Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.” To demonstrate these competencies, you should be able to:

*Adapt, modify, and use multidimensional tools in conducting comprehensive, culturally effective integrative case assessments.

*Identify client system strengths and coping capacities.
*Assess client system readiness for change.
*Select and modify intervention strategies based on continuous evaluation and assessment.
*Analyze and effectively navigate contextual structures encountered in emerging practice contexts.
*Identify and question underlying theoretical and ontological assumptions about human behavior guiding agency practices, programs, and policies.

*Critically evaluate, select, and apply best practices and evidence-informed interventions.

*Competently apply appropriate intervention techniques for a range of presenting issues, problems, or questions to demonstrate your capability of autonomous practice.

*Develop and implement collaborative multidisciplinary interventions.

*Integrate understandings from a variety of theoretical perspectives in formulating comprehensive multidimensional assessments and interventions.

Assessment and Intervention (Part 6)

For this part of your project, discuss how you would provide assessment to your case as well as propose evidence-based intervention practices.

Use the following headers and instructions for your assignment.


Discuss how your agency approaches or does an assessment (for example, community forums, needs assessments, logic models, intakes, questionnaires, and so on). Be very specific in describing the assessment steps.


Which intervention did you apply to your case? Be very specific and include who, what, why, where, and when.


Analyze whether or not your selected intervention has been successful. Include examples that provide supporting evidence about how the intervention did or did not create barriers for the client systcgoem (micro, mezzo, or macro).