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popular sources from books, magazines, newspapers, electronic sources academic, scholarly journals/books (3 of this type is required) from library databases How long does this paper have to be?


Instructions for the paper are below

1) The Researched Argument an analytic research paper involving deeper inquiry into fairy tales, folklore, and myth connecting to the modern world through themes of survival, identity, and/or tradition.

How many and what types of sources are needed?

7-9 sources used in the body paragraphs of the paper and listed on the annotated bibliography

1. Foundation sources ( 3 required )

original fairy tales, folk tales, myths, legends from our textbook
2. Experts in the field of tales who use literary criticism lenses to make commentary on tales (1 required)

Folk tale experts like Zipes, Tatar, Warner, Bettelheim, Campbell, etc. (Zipes’ writes the intro of our text as well as the intro to each chapter in our text. Other authors mentioned have books located on our 102 Library Resource Page.)
3. Modern Day Research ( 3 required)

popular sources from books, magazines, newspapers, electronic sources academic, scholarly journals/books (3 of this type is required) from library databases How long does this paper have to be?

The minimum is a 10 page properly formatted paper submitted. 9-11 double-spaced pages, size 12 TNR font, NOT counting images, heading, header, title, or annotated bibliography. That’s 10 pages of content when you consider these other elements.

All papers will be MUCH longer when you include and submit the heading on the first page and the matching Annotated Bibliography. Do NOT submit a Works Cited page. I want the MATCHING Annotated Bibliography, meaning that all of the sources revealed as textual evidence in body paragraphs are listed and annotated on the AB.

What is the purpose of this paper?

Through literary and research analysis, argue how a particular element from any folk narrative genre reveals itself in modern society.

Examples of connections former students have made from tale to folk expert to modern day research to present their arguments:

The character Bluebeard reveals extreme behaviors possibly due to psychological complications and patterns of obsessive compulsive disorder.

Tale: Bluebeard trope, various tales from chapter
Expert: Psychological criticism from Bettelheim and Campbell
Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources

Both the Grimms’ versions of tales and Trump show how they are influenced by religion through attempts to regulate women’s sexual and reproductive rights by promoting fear of outsiders and weaving religious messages into the language they use.

Tale: Various Grimm authored tales from throughout the text
Expert: Gender, Feminist, Moral, New Historicism from Campbell, Zipes, and Warner
Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources
In the trope, Facing Fear, the main character suffers through abuse within his household due to his repeated actions
and strange behaviors consistent with children today diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.
Tale: Facing Fear trope, various tales from chapter
Expert: Psychological criticism from Bettelheim and Campbell
Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Asperger’s from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources
The archetypes in the Sleeping Beauty trope represent an aspect of the collective unconscious within the feminist movement, and more importantly, these archetypes explore the power women hold in society and how this power can affect social change.

Tale: Bluebeard trope, various tales from chapter

Tale Expert: Gender, Feminist, and Psychological criticism from Warner, Bettelheim, and Campbell
Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of female power systems and psychology from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources

In Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s version of Cinderella, the stepsisters sacrifice body parts in an attempt secure their status in society pointedly revealing the fine line between feminist power and Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD) plaguing the minds of females today.
Tale: Cinderella trope, various tales from chapter
Tale Expert: Feminist and Psychological criticism from Zipes, Warner, Tatar, Bettelheim, and Campbell
Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis BDD from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources