Assignment One – Retail Presentation. Groups of 2-5.
You need to present a critical appraisal of the store environment to evaluate how the retailer has applied elements of store design, and layout for their target market. You will present your findings (using an appropriate method) during seminar time, you are allowed 15 minutes.
With Covid-19 considerations in mind you may prefer to select an online retailer and apply the design and usability to their website and how well it is laid-out for ease of selection, ordering, returns and so forth. Both options can be done in teams while working individually and getting together via Skype/Zoom/Teams etc.
ALTERNATIVE ONE, presentations may be recorded and submitted online.
ALTERNATIVE TWO, students may submit a PowerPoint presentation with the script for each slide shown in the ‘notes’ section of the slide (ask if you are unsure). There is no word count for this BUT you must be sure that the notes section could be reasonably spoken in the time allowed.