Memory Allocation Algorithms
Paper details:
Eight unique processes (which terminate in the following order: 21 KB, 77 KB, 199 KB, 380 KB, 489 K¬B, 212 KB, 139 KB, and 302 KB) must be placed into ten memory partitions organized in the following order: 150 KB, 275 KB, 425 KB, 300 KB, 80 KB, 117 KB, 500 K¬B, 35 KB, 313 KB, and 269 KB.
Explain step by step how each of the dynamic storage allocation algorithms (first-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit) would place the given processes within the given memory partitions. Identify the memory partitions that remain after placing each process. Visually illustrate each algorithm with a chart or diagram. An example diagram Download example diagram was created in Excel, but you may also choose to use a graphics editing software (PowerPoint, Paint, PhotoShop, etc.) or upload a photo of a hand-drawn sketch.
Compare the algorithms and explain which model makes the most efficient use of memory and whicgoch model executes the quickest.