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Using Training and Development to Drive Culture of Commitment: The Case of Igloo How would you decide what the appropriate culture is for an organization? How would you use the company’s training and development function to help introduce and reinforce a new culture?

It has been said that the purpose of a résumé is to determine if an applicant for a position CAN do the job while the interview focuses on if the candidate WILL do the job. What are your thoughts on this?
Given that the gig economy is becoming more prevalent and HR managers need to leverage this phenomenon, what training would be necessary for a gig worker to be most effective within an organization?
Many organizations see training as an expense and worry that individuals, once trained, will leave the organization for a better job. How can an organization use training to improve retention?
Today, technology has made inroads into virtually every aspect of our lives. How do you see technology contributing to more accurate hiring processes to reduce false negatives and false positives on the various methods of hiring tests?

Consider the best training that you’ve had at work. What made it the best? Next, consider what training you have been to that was the worst. What made it the worst? Would trainer effectiveness have had an influence on your decisions as to the extreme training evaluations?

Chapter 7: Finding the Best Fit: The Case of Selection at Google
Although having more applicants to choose from is a good thing, can there be such a thing as too many applicants? For example, how might a company like Google process 2 million applicants per year, short of interviewing all candidates?

Chapter 8: Using Training and Development to Drive Culture of Commitment: The Case of Igloo
How would you decide what the appropriate culture is for an organization? How would you use the company’s training and development function to help introduce and reinforce a new culture?