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Provide a critical assessment of the law surrounding consent of states. >Present the assignment in the form of an essay of not more than 1500 words (maximum).



The objective of this written assignment is for you to provide a critical assessment of the law surrounding consent of states.

You should present the assignment in the form of an essay of not more than 1500 words (maximum).

Credit will be given where you have clearly shown independent research by reference to relevant textbooks, internet resources and legal journals/articles as well as a demonstration of independent analysis of these materials. You should make use of intext citation as well as provide a detailed bibliography identifying your sources at the end of your paper. The bibliography does not form part of the overall word count.

Marks will be given for:

• Quality of response to the presented question.
• Demonstrating a broad knowledge and general understanding of the main areas covered by the presented question.
• Demonstrating awareness and understanding of the specific issues raised by the presented question.
• Collection, comparison and synthesising relevant information from different sources.
• Ability to critically analyse and apply research materials to the area under investigation
• Presentation of an analytical conclusion in response to the presented

Marking Guidelines

Students are expected to refer to Article 38 of the International Court of Justice that outlines the sources of international law that it recognises.

Students should provide a legal analysis including the challenges of implementing and enforcing these laws.

Further marks would be provided for comparative analysis with other jurisdictions or research that covers relevant material beyond the scope of the module.