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Explain how your demographic variable has affected the election results, and refer to the differences between the 2016 and 2020 elections.


Paper details:

For this assignment, you are expected to write a short answer. Please follow the following steps to submit your assignment:

1. Let’s assume that you are hosting an international student in your place who is visiting the U.S. Luckily, they have a chance to observe the Presidential elections (2020). However, things are pretty complicated to follow for a foreigner, and therefore your friend needs your help.

2. You will write a blog post by which you help your friend so that they can follow and understand the election results more smoothly.

First of all, pick at least one demographic (social class, race, ethnicity, religion, education, gender, geography, urban vs. rural, etc.) that you believe has the most substantial effect on the election result. You can choose more than one if you think that two or more demographics can account for analyzing the results.
Second, you need to pick a piece of empirical evidence, a graph, a table, a map, etc., to support your demographic choice. You also need to share the source of this empirical evidence.

Finally, explain how your demographic variable has affected the election results, and refer to the differences between the 2016 and 2020 elections.

3. Your assignment needs to be at least 10-12 sentences long. Or you can shoot for 250-300 words.

4. This assignment will be graded over five percentage points.

5. Be sure that you run your text through a grammar and spelling check before you post.

6. While you are answering the question, try to make an argument. This is an election analysis, so you are expected to take a position and support it with empirical evidence.

7. While writing your assignment, be sure that you give at least one reference to the course materials. And also, please do not forget to specify which reading or material you refer to. As always, you are free to use additional sources.