Persuasive Essay OR Opposing Viewpoints paper Topic (Environment realted for instance, Green New Deal, global Warming, Fossil Fuel COnsumption, plastic, clean drinking water, ect.) 4-5 pages plus a reference page. 12-point font. Double-spaced.
Students should go to the Ritz Library online. Click on “A-Z List of All Guides”. scroll down and click on “social Issues”. Click on “Opposing Viewpoints”. Scroll down and click on “Energy and Environmentalism” Scroll down and click on Choose a topic from within the category of energy and environmentalism
Opposing viewpoints paper- present the issue in your introduction. Develop a thesis. Body of the paper should inform the rader of the opposing sides to this issue. Discuss the different sets of values that come from the opposing sides. Conclusion.
OR a Persasive Paper: Students can use this as a guide on how to write a persuasive paper. OVIC_PersuasivePaper.pdf
Final Paper is 15% of the grade. 7. There are no late submissions.