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Explore the implications of the issue at hand in the remainder of your assignment: that is, explore why the issue that you are writing about is either right or wrong. Make sure to also weigh in on the issue and provide your own opinions and list reasons why you think the way you do.

Your understanding of the course material covered so far in the class will be evaluated by reading an article from a Canadian national newspaper published within the LAST FOUR MONTHS that deals with an ethical issue. Examples include the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, National Post, etc. You can access these newspapers through the library if you for free if you have trouble accessing an article online. Your task is to explain why and how your article is an ethical issue using material from this course.

See rubric in BB for the breakdown of your marks.

Note that newspaper articles older than four months will be marked as a zero unless you have been granted an exemption by your online instructor.

In your assignment, you must
• Deal with an ethical issue and explain why it is an ethical issue.
o Note that you can write about a positive issue – that is, an example of someone or a group of people who have done something to benefit society or a company that implements best practices – instead of focussing on an ethical problem, conflict, or dilemma.

• Summarize the article in the first paragraph without expressing your own opinion in the first paragraph. As a general rule, your article should be over 400 words and under 1000 words. Make sure to summarize the entire article.

• Include relevant quotes, concepts and terms from the textbook and lecture notes in the second paragraph to explain how the article relates to the course.

• Explore the implications of the issue at hand in the remainder of your assignment: that is, explore why the issue that you are writing about is either right or wrong. Make sure to also weigh in on the issue and provide your own opinions and list reasons why you think the way you do.

• Be logically organized and grammatically correct

• The assignment needs to be two pages, double spaced (roughly 400-500 words). Expect to write at least 7-8 sentences per paragraph.

• You must include the newspaper article at the beginning of your assignment. Failure to do so will result in a zero.