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Explain how people find out about this organization /referrals, marketing types / events w/public etc. What are the needs of their population?

HCM 413 Hwk 3 – Directions “Featured Organization w/Contact Person”
Commentary for Hwk3:

Locate a U.S. organization (not in Carbondale) a good example of your LTC topic area – who provides care or services (avoid professional associations).

Search using your “topic area” (keyword) and award-winning organization, etc. to find an organization.
Use at least two resources and include pictures, contact names, map of the location -need the address, etc.

Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spacing, include sources on a separate Reference Page using APA format.
Submit at least two pages of written information / not including the pictures or map and references.

Directions: Use the following headings w/subheadings. Avoid bullets.
Topic Area:
Featured Organization
(Heading level 1)

(level 2)

Include the full name w/active link to their webpage, contact information and why you selected this organization and why they are a good example of best practice in your topic area. Who owns the org. (for-profit/non-profit/gov org.)?

General Description
(Level 3)
Describe the type(s) of care and/or services the org. provides to meet the needs of those they serve.

When did they start the org. and how have they grown?

Include a map with a pinpoint location and include picture(s) you find on the internet. Look for information about the location where they provide services (

Who is their primary target population served by the org. / include information, possibly some statistics as to how much care or numbers of people they serve?

Explain how people find out about this organization /referrals, marketing types / events w/public etc. What are the needs of their population?

Include the name(s) of someone from the org. who can answer/talk about the following:

What is an important patient issue that has recently occurred?

What Regulatory changes are a concern?

Describe possible difficulties with interactions w/professionals in this area?

Ask it there is something else that can be shared to add to understanding this topic area.