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What strategies have Apple Inc. put in place to promote talent development?What are the merits of talent development in Apple Inc. Company?

Research Objectives


The main aim of this research is to identify the best strategies applicable in promoting talent management with a critical reflection given to Apple Inc. Company.


1. To explore the strategies put in place by Apple Inc. in promoting talent development.
2. To identify the merits of talent development in Apple Inc. Company.
3. To explore the demerits linked to talent development in Apple Inc.
4. To recommend how Apple Inc. can promote or improve the talent management strategies to enhance competitiveness and sustainability.

Research Questions

Based on the designed objectives, different questions will be posted to guide the research and fulfil the desired research overall outcome. The following research questions will guide the study:

1. What strategies have Apple Inc. put in place to promote talent development?
2. What are the merits of talent development in Apple Inc. Company?
3. What are the disadvantages of talent development in Apple Inc. Company?

How can Apple Inc. improve its talent management strategies to promote competitiveness and sustainability?