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Based on information from The Healthcare Divide, how has the pandemic challenged the existing health inequalities in the U.S. health care delivery system, especially how hospitals operate? Describe, in detail, two major issues.

Final Exam Question #2 (FEQ #2)

You may submit your assignment earlier than this due date (highly recommended). There is no need to request an extension or notify me if you are late with your submission by 1 – 7 days. A 5-point late penalty will be applied to papers submitted

Points: worth up to 25 points
Format: double-spaced (preferred), minimum 1 page/2 paragraphs

SUBMISSION: on Blackboard under “Assignment Submissions” Note: Make sure your answers are detailed and specific. It is not necessary to include an introduction/conclusion. Proofread for typos/clarity before submitting your assignment on Blackboard.

Watch Frontline: The Healthcare Divide (2021) here:

Analysis of video: • Based on information from The Healthcare Divide, how has the pandemic challenged the existing health inequalities in the U.S. health care delivery system, especially how hospitals operate? Describe, in detail, two major issues.


Assessment of paper:

• Answer all the questions in any order as long as the paper is organized in a logical and coherent manner.

• Clarity of discussion and analysis.

• Inclusion of specific and detailed examples from any sources used for the paper.

• Make sure to proofread your paper for typos and grammatical errors to ensure that your ideas are clearly stated.