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Identifie changes to the legal market particularly as a result of Covid-19. – Evaluate how this will affect the practice of law positively and/or negatively.


Words: 134
Pages: 1
Subject: Law

Module title: Law in Practice 2: Commercial Awareness

Instructions to candidates

Number of pages and documents
This document, comprising 3 pages including this page, sets out your instructions for the assessment referred to above.

Submission instructions
Deadline for written submission
Method of submission

Turnitin on the Law in Practice 2 Moodle page

Assessment Task

This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module assessment
You are required to submit a written coursework (maximum word count 1,500 words) that addresses the question:

1. Have regard to the assessment criteria.
2. In this coursework you are expected to provide;
• A clear focus and structure,
• Succinct and concise expression,
• An appropriate level of English academic writing skills, and
• The development of a professional writing style.

Format of your in-course assessment – written submission

• Your coursework should contain no more than 1500 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography).You may exceed this word limit by 10%. If you exceed this upper limit then your mark will be reduced by 5 percentage points.
• Include a title page with your submission.
• Font: Arial, text size 12, line spacing 1.5
• Each page should be numbered
• Referencing is required. You are required to use OSCOLA style citation for consistency.
Further guidance and assessment criteria
1. Before you begin you should read the grading criteria that will be used to grade your assessment. The criteria may be downloaded from the Law Programme Moodle page. The relevant document is listed under the heading ‘Assessment & Feedback Information’.

The relative weighting of available marks between the three criteria are:

Criterion 1: Structure 20%
Criterion 2: Content and synthesis 60%
Criterion 3: Presentation 20%
Total: 100%

2. You should also read the Law School guide to submission which can also be downloaded from the Law Programme Moodle page. It has been prepared in an endeavour to make marking more transparent. It may also help you organise your thoughts as you work and sense check the content of your paper before you submit it to be marked.

3. The assessment task will be evaluated by how well you meet the requirements of of answering the overall question as well as including a reflective element. Please remember that the refelctive element is only one part of the coursework – keep this section to approximately 300 words within the overall 1500 word count..

4. The assessment will test your ability to write a piece which:

– Identifie changes to the legal market particularly as a result of Covid-19.
– Evaluate how this will affect the practice of law positively and/or negatively.
– Is well-structured, so that the reader can readily understand what issues you are deaing with.
– Is well-presented, noting in particular your understanding of what 21st century legal practice may require.
– Engages with the resources we have disucssed throughout the course as well as refers to a range of sources, reference these using OSCOLA referencing.