• – Listen closely to Millie in the film. Based on her wishes for her own health and wellness at this point, identify her primary goal for her recovery–what does she want to change or accomplish? Directly quote her words as the goal statement in this assessment and in the treatment plan in Part 3.
• – In the film, Millie moves through various “stages of change” in her recovery (i.e. the degree to which she is motivated to make particular changes to improve her health and wellness). Using evidence from the film to support your points, describe Millie’s stage(s) of change at the point in the film you chose for this assessment. Remember, a person can be in multiple stages at one time (e.g. they can be in Preparation and want to move into supportive housing, but also unaware of their mental illness and Pre-contemplative about taking medications). Briefly discuss how you would adapt your approach to engaging Millie in the planning process based on her particular stage(s) of change.
• – Drawing upon any sources of information that are available to you (client’s perspective, your observations, the perspective of family members and others) assess and describe Millie’s biological, psychological, and social strengths that could be used to help her achieve her primary recovery goal. Consider both her personal and her environmental strengths in this assessment.
• – Assess and describe Millie’s biological, psychological, and social needs and any challenges that could impact her ability to accomplish her goal.
Identifying personal and environmental challenges/needs is key to specifying the objectives for your work together, and the services or interventions that could be used to help her overcome these challenges and address her needs.