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Present and briefly justify your research question in the context of evidence to date, identifying gaps which your study will address; and explain and critically appraise the research design and methods you would use for addressing your research question.

Analytical report Guidance
Qualitative Research

2 different parts:

1) Qualitative research design (60%)

Drawing on appropriate literature, you will describe and critically assess the design and methods for a study exploring the experience of trauma care in emergency departments. You will:

• Present and briefly justify your research question in the context of evidence to date, identifying gaps which your study will address; and explain and critically appraise the research design and methods you would use for addressing your research question. This should include how you would develop any data collection tools e.g. interview schedules or focus group topic guides; how you would sample and recruit participants, as well as your methods of analysing the data;

• identify the main ethical issues that could arise in a study like this. Explain how you would deal with any potential ethical issues.

2) Qualitative research analysis (35%)

You will:

• Conduct an analysis of the transcripts (see word document) and present these as findings in an appropriate structured format (i.e. format suitable for the analysis and findings section of a published study), including explanations of your main themes and presenting data to illustrate your findings;

• draw on methodological and other relevant literature throughout your work.
Maximum word count: 3,000 words.