Privacy and the Law 3365 – 2021/2022
Tutorial Grade Breakdown and Assignments
Written Assignment
– Students are required to write a two page (2) written assignment per semester
– Assignments should be single spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman, in a Word doc – The assignments should include the following:
o Compare and contrast all the readings for the selected week (i.e., if writing about the week of October 28, include both the Calvert and Smolensky readings)
§ Consider the following questions: How do the articles complement each other? How do the arguments differ? Do the articles contradict each other?
o Add your thoughts regarding the readings, space permitting (i.e., prioritize comparing and contrasting the articles over your reflection)
§ Were you convinced by the authors’ arguments? Are there any gaps in logic? Does the article remind you of recent events? Were you confused by the content?