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Present a summary of the data in a poster presentation format with an accompanying 3-minute recording of presenting the poster; Describe what was analysed.

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Subject: Education

Assignment 2: Quantitative Data Reporting Exercise

Students are required to demonstrate their ability to analyse and present quantitative data by submitting an A1 poster presentation and embed in it an accompanying 3-minute recording of them presenting the poster.

Students should use this dataset Download datasetfrom a study (in SPSS format – get the software free from the university by scrolling down to Get Started with IT – then Apps Anywhere. – Software for study – Personal devicesLinks to an external site. (for your own laptop) from to an external site.). The dataset is a more extensive version of the one they will use in computer lab 3, along with a more detailedActions instruction sheetActions, which has the same details as given below. The task is to process some of the data and present the findings on a poster along with an embedded 3-minute recording of presenting the poster of findings. This will require the student to:

Process and analyse the data using SPSS;

Study and analyse the findings;

Present a summary of the data in a poster presentation format with an accompanying 3-minute recording of presenting the poster;

Describe what was analysed

Describe the findings;

Draw conclusions based on the data.


The dataset will be available in SPSS format.

It is not a requirement that all of the data provided need to be presented in the report. Students must decide which data are relevant depending on how they choose to report the findings. I would suggest that you select two fitness/skills tests to analyse and present.

Students are free to choose the format and the style for the presentation of the data (e.g. tables; bar charts/pie charts/line diagram; colour/mono).

Appropriate use should be made of headings and sub-headings.

Students can make reference to other sources of data/information where considered appropriate.

Students should attempt to draw conclusions and where appropriate make recommendations based on the findings.

The writing style and language used must be appropriate for a report to the school staff.

The poster should be in Powerpoint format and one slide, with legible text.

Diagrammes, infographics and graphs/figures will be helpful to present the analysis.

A brief introduction to the analysis should be included

The methodology should be described of what was tested

Your data analysis should be described

The results of the analysis should be presented

Conclusions with implications for the school should be included

You use references, these should be at the bottom of the poster but can be smaller font size.

The poster should be one powerpoint slide submitted to Canvas with a 3-minute embedded video or audio recording of you presenting the poster as if it were to the school staff.

If the powerpoint slide is standard size then you should avoid font size below 20 except for References.

If it easier to make the poster by sizing up to A1, then you will need to size up the minimum font size accordingly.

Marks for the quantitative data reporting exercises will be assigned as follows:

Introduction to the research, including:

Setting the context of the study;

Explanation of the problem and/or question(s) being explored;

Rationale for the study;


Details of the research approach.

Definition of terms;

Which fitness/skills tests are being assessed

Data analysis

What statistics have you used to conduct the analysis

Reporting and analysing findings:

Appropriate structure/order of findings;

Clear description of findings;

Appropriate use of descriptive and inferential statistics;

Effective and creative ways of presenting findings and analysis e.g. graphs, tables.

Conclusions and recommendations:

…are related to the findings;

…are justified;

Acknowledge limitations of research.


Poster style and appearance

Poster content and conciseness of writing.

Concise description of study purpose, methods, analysis type, results and conclusions and implications.

Presentation recording is clear, confident and moderately paced.

Assignment 2 submission date: 12noon on Wednesday 1st December 2021 (Week 12)

The Assignment Briefing

You have been asked by the head teacher at a Singapore high school to assess the progress of the Football Academy players in their first year of high school. You have also been asked to compare the progress of the Football Academy players against the progress of the school team players and casual football players. You have been provided with data from the three different groups of players:

Football Academy players (n=19)

School team players (n=18)

Casual football players (n=20)

You have been asked to present your findings on the progress of the players. The Football Academy players were selected to take part in the academy programme following a selection process undertaken prior to staring high school. The Football Academy players receive approximately five hours football training from high quality coaches as part of their school curriculum in addition to training and competition they receive from their own clubs – they do not play in the school football team. The school team players usually take part in one school training session per week and one competitive school football match per week, while the casual football players play on an ad hoc basis with friends.

The data you have been given (SPSU9ME Assignment 2 – Quantitative Data 2021.sav Download SPSU9ME Assignment 2 – Quantitative Data 2021.sav- which is in Canvas) contains the results of fitness and skills tests undertaken by the three groups of players. The data shows the results of fitness and skills tests undertaken at the beginning of the school year (January 2018) and at the end of the school year (November 2018) for all three groups. Use the data from the three groups to help you assess to whether there are any differences in fitness and skill levels between the three levels of players and how well each group has progressed. Select two fitness/skills tests to analyse and present.

Details of the fitness and skills tests are presented below.

Your presentation should be a Powerpoint slide poster which should present the data in a visual format as well as including an integrated 3-minute recording of you presenting the poster. The task will require you to:

Process the data using SPSS (you can also transfer it to Excel if you prefer);

Study and analyse the findings;

Undertake some statistical analysis;

Draw conclusions on differences between levels of performance.

Present the results in a poster format with a 3-minute recording of you presenting the poster as if you are presenting to the school staff.

You do not need to report all the data provided. The decision on which data to include is yours. However, you should ensure you present enough of the findings in order to allow the head teacher to appreciate any changes in players’ fitness and performance. I would suggest selecting to conduct analysis on two fitness/skills tests.

You are free to choose the format and the style for the presentation of the data on the poster (e.g. tables; bar charts/pie charts/line diagram; colour/mono).

Appropriate use should be made of headings and sub-headings as well as infographics to make points more concisely than in sentences.

Where you write sentences, these should be confined to bullet points and be concise.

You do not need to make reference to other sources of literature to fulfil the requirements of the assignment. The important aspect of the assignment is to describe, present and analyse the data.

You should attempt to draw conclusions and, where appropriate, make recommendations based on the findings.

For this exercise there are no missing data (i.e. results were obtained from every player for every test).

The Fitness and Skills Tests

The tests undertaken by the players include the following:

Sprint Test

In this test the players were asked to sprint a total distance of 20m in as short a time as possible. The sprint test was undertaken indoors using electronic timing gates. The results are in seconds.

Sit and Reach Test

The sit and reach test measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles, which have been shown to provide a good basic indication of overall flexibility. The results are in centimetres and the higher the number the greater the flexibility of the player.

Note: For the sit and reach test ‘-1’ and ‘-2’ are possible scores (e.g. -1cm, -2cm) – not missing values.

YoYo Endurance Test

The Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance test evaluates an individual’s ability to repeatedly perform intervals over a prolonged period of time, therefore providing an indication of their aerobic capabilities. The results are in metres.

Distance Kick Test

The players were tested on their ability to accurately kick the ball over as long a distance as possible with both their stronger and weaker foot. The results show the distance the ball travelled in metres.

Dribbling Test

This test examined the players’ dribbling skills, asking them to dribble a ball through a set course in as short a time as possible. The results are in seconds and the shorter the time the better the result.

Keepy Up Test

In this test the players’ ball control skills were evaluated. Players were required to complete the following series in as short a time as possible:

Perform 4 “keep it ups” with alternative feet

Lift the ball to the thigh and performing 4 “keep it ups” with alternative thighs

Lift the ball to the head and performing 4 “keep it ups” with head

Drop the ball back to the feet

The results are therefore in seconds, with a shorter time indicating a better score.

Shooting Test

The players’ shooting skills were evaluated through a test in which they were required to complete a series of four shots from prescribed positions as quickly as possible, with time reductions awarded on the basis of where the ball finishes in the net (e.g. top right/left = minus 5 seconds; bottom right/left but not on ground = minus 3 seconds; middle along ground = minus 1 second). The lower the score the better the result.

Time Spent Playing Football or Attending Football Training

The players provided details of the mean average amount of time they spent during a typical week playing football or taking part in football training.

Feedforward Notes

The following hints and tips are intended to help you complete Assignment 2


Give your poster a title that clearly explains the content. Note however, that ‘Assignment 2 Data Analysis’ is NOT the title of your report.

Use headings and sub-headings to help structure your poster.

Give the audience an overview of the programme and the methodology used to collect and analyse the data.

You should integrate the text and the tables to make the poster easy for the reader to follow.

You need to present and describe the fitness and skills test results (e.g. how fast did they complete the exercises, how for dud they kick the ball) – these are your main Without these the audience does not know how well the players performed in the tests. The outcome of the statistical testing is important, but you should lead with fitness and skills test results.

You should have Background/Introduction, Method, Data analysis, Results, and Conclusions sections in your poster

Select two fitness/skills tests to analyse and present and justify why these two

It is NOT appropriate to copy SPSS tables into a report. They usually contain data that are not necessary for the reader and the formatting is often poor for a formal poster. Create your own tables and present only the data that are necessary.

Tables / charts should contain the following information:

An identifier – e.g. Table 2; Figure 7.

Title – with a precise explanation of the contents.

Labels – column and row

Units of measurement – percentages, numbers, £s, US$,… etc.

Values – e.g. in a bar chart, insert the exact value to the top of the bar), it makes it easier for the reader to interpret the findings.

Base numbers / sample sizes

Legend – where relevant

Notes – any other relevant details about the content of the table/chart.

You need to think about your audience for your poster presentation – in this case a head teacher at a school. Make sure that the presentation is pitched at the correct level for the audience.

A box plot is not a widely known or understood way of presenting data and you need to consider whether this is the most accessible way to present the data for the intended audience.

Referencing: In all assignments, if you ever draw from something from other sources (e.g. a fact, an idea, data, information,…) you must cite the source and provide the reference. This can be in a much smaller font size.

Submitting the Assignment

Only an electronic copy of your assignment needs to be submitted.

You should submit a single document to Canvas which includes the Powerpoint poster with the recording of your 3-minute presentation integrated into it. If you are unable to integrate the audio presentation then this can be submitted as a separate audio file alongside the poster. Instructions on how to embed audio into Powerpoint and upload this are shown under the Formative assessment for week 11.

Right from where it says assignment 2 to week 11

The issue here is that it is time bound and we need to work very efficiently

As I will require a script to present a poster for 3 minutes

So, it is not a regular essay