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Write a paragraph detailing which side of the argument you are on. You must support your decision with Economic logic and facts.


1) Write a two (2) page minimum, 4 page maximum review of these articles (one overall review not two pages per article) including how they relate to microeconomics .

Do not write a paper that consists of nothing but quotes from the articles.

This is not a research paper, it is a review, follow instructions and submit an appropriate paper that includes your thoughts and analyses. Your job is to provide economic arguments for both sides and decide which you think is the strongest and why.

You must clearly identify three (3) concepts we have studied in this course and show how the article(s) illustrate them. For this Case Study you must choose 2 of your concepts from the previous three weeks (your third one can be any concept we have studied.) Make sure you clearly identify the concepts you are highlighting by using bold font.

2) On a new sheet, list your 3 identified concepts, after each explain how it was used in the articles. Next, based on these articles and the use of the concepts, write 3 critical thinking questions, including answers, that you would ask if you were the instructor.

Write your 3 identified concepts on a separate page from your review, and number them.

Next, write your questions including answers after the restated concepts, and make sure you number them.

Your questions must relate the articles to your chosen concepts.

You should have at least one question tied to each concept you identified within your review.

Your answers should clearly illustrate how the concept is used.

3) After your questions, write a paragraph detailing which side of the argument you are on. You must support your decision with Economic logic and facts. The idea is to convince the rest of us your decision is the correct one, based on your Economic analysis.

Your questions must be critical thinking questions. No points will be earned for definitions or fill in the blanks.

This assignment is to show you understand the Economic concepts and can use them, it is not a research paper assignment. Do not submit a paper full of article quotes without any of your own insights. You are reviewing these articles and deciding which side of the argument you identify with, based on the economics involved. You will then include your argument in the final paragraph after the questions.

Make sure you read the rubric so you include everything necessary to earn the highest grade.

Feel free to do some additional research, and make sure you cite your new resources.