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Outside materials, cite them and do so only sparingly, as your grade will depend solely on how well you analyze the materials we have covered this semester.

National Socialism hardly developed in a vacuum. It took shape borrowing from and reacting to a host of ideals, movements, aesthetics, and images circulating since the early 19th century. Citing at least 8 separate primary source documents and 2 secondary sources from Weeks 2-8 in our course, identify and discuss how one idea, one event, and one social value in modern German history played a role in the Nazi movement.

Your essay should be 8-10 pages in length, word-processed, with page numbers in the header or footer.

You will be graded on the basis:

• argument: you need to have clear, compelling points you are making


• organization: your argument needs to be clearly laid out, not wander and not raise tangential points

• ability to cite specific evidence: make direct references to texts (i.e. page numbers in texts, where appropriate), and feel free to use quotations, but do not simply string quotes together.
Keep the following also in mind:

• your essay will be considered more persuasive – and receive a higher grade – the more primary source materials you are able to incorporate into your essay.

Visit for a good summary of what plagiarism is. It also goes without saying that you may not have someone else write this assignment for you.

• If you use outside materials, cite them and do so only sparingly, as your grade will depend solely on how well you analyze the materials we have covered this semester.